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Start Noise - Mohikans


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Naja habs im Stream gehört und finde den ganz gut !!

Aber Gigi und Pandolfis - Main Titel finde ich aber besser :daumenhoch:


This song will not be released, it is only played in the discos in Italy and at IDN


When it is not released why are you able to play the track on your internet radio station ? :anstossen:

Can you post a sound sample for all of us ?

....and the most important question.....from where did YOU get it ?

Thanks a lot for your comment :turntables:


We can play it because we got it from the producers who gave it exclusive to us and told that it is only a track for the discos, soon Start Noise - Little Girl will be also played as first on Idn and M2o Currently the song was on it's way to Midem France and today there is also a meeting with Provencano DJ to license the song

To listen Mohikans complete just listen to idn radio or this Mohikans sample

Ciao! :dancingbear:


Thank you very much for the sound sample.

I will try to listen to the full version on www.italiandancenetwork.com, which I love since they played my song TOM & STEFY - PRIMABALLERINA 2 times on the ITALO DANCE BEACH PARADE program.

To the song:

It sounds interesting but I think the sample is too short to judge about it.

Thanks again for your efforts.



hey, your site is really good. i'm hearing the radio right now :saufen:

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