denharrow Geschrieben 6. Januar 2005 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2005 Hier der übersetzte Text in ENGLISCH:Hello boys! ; -) Eccomi of new in means to you for gives to you one huge news!!! It was from much time that I dreammed of being able to realize a my small great dream, that one of being able to teach to of the boys gets passionate you of music, but not only, like becoming true dj. Beh! this dream by now has been come true, because I communicate to you that from the next month, they will begin of the course that I will hold personally (you have been understood just well! ) in which I will not teach only the art of the mixaggio is with the plates that with the readers cd, but I will teach also all makes up and secrets of the beautifulr profession of the world! The dj!!!! The course will just keep to Vimodrone (ME) in the studies of the "Definitive Records" where they have been conceived many discs of many artists between which: DJ Bum Bum, Blue Venice, Dogma, Wem-j feat. Francy, and many others... The center of the course is easy raggiungibile is with the metropolitan (green line stopped Vimodrone) is in machine (tang. Exited east Hunchback Shack). The course is opened to all, it is for who is to the first crews, it is for who it has already a minimum of acquaintances and would want to deepen them. If you want to more know some, you can send an email to me to you I will answer R-appena.possibile!!!Oh, da würde ich gerne mal mitmachen, allein schon, um die DEFINITIVA STUDIOS von ROBERTO TURATTI zu sehen !Meldet sich jemand an ?
DeejayT Geschrieben 6. Januar 2005 Geschrieben 6. Januar 2005 geil wärs schon aber sicher sau teuerlg
el_real Geschrieben 8. Januar 2005 Geschrieben 8. Januar 2005 geil wärs schon aber sicher sau teuerlg Hmm, das wäre echt was aber wie Du schon sagst, sicher mächtig teuer...
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