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L'Amour Toujours II

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L'Amour Toujours 2 is out november 29th!!

Gigi's brand new double album "L'Amour Toujours 2" has finally got a release date, and as the headline tells, it's november 29th 2004! -

This is almost four years after Gigi's latest solo-album, "Tecno Fes vol. 2" was released!

"L'Amour Toujours is, as said before, a double album, and will contain 24 tracks, wherefrom most of them are brand new.

November 29th is the official German releasedate, so if this is the same date in Italy is still unsure.

Quelle: http://www.italodance.dk/V2/main.htm


jeppaaaaa :) :ziegel:

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