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Compilation Benessere 1

Empfohlene Beiträge

  • 4 Monate später...

Weis jetzt nicht ob das schon einmal aufgekommen ist, hab halt nichts gefunden.

Hab gestern wieder mal die Benessere geschnapt und auf einmal hör ich immer Luce raus!?!?

Auf der CD1, beim ersten Track bild ich mir ein, den Text von Luce rauszuhören, so ab 2:20min.

Kann leider keine HP reinstellen.

Vielleicht täusche ich mich auch oder es ist eh schon einmal besprochen worden.

lol, hab grad mit meiner mutter alte platten durchgestöbert. hab jede menge alte, tolle italiensische klassiker gefunden.

was mich aber sehr erstaunt hat, war ein lied, das "amore grande, amore libero" heißt.

ich hörs im moment und es ist wirklich, das lied, dass gigi gecovert hat.

ist im originalen auch sehr schön.

der interpret ist glaube ich "il guardiano del faro"

vielleicht kann ichs mal aufnehmen und ne hörprobe reinstellen.

gruß Vega

Ich dachte, es wäre von GiGi... :daumenhoch:

Es ist sooooooooo ein schönes Lied...

Die Hörprobe funzt bei mir leider nicht...

  • 3 Jahre später...

Die Benessere ist zwar jetzt schon einige Jahre alt, dennoch ist mir letztens etwas aufgefallen. Der Song von "Akcent - Azi plang numai eu" müsste eigentlich ein Gigi D'Agostino Remix sein. Das Original klingt jedenfalls anders und außerdem hat Akcent selber eine CD mit Namen "S.O.S." herausgebracht wo der Song als "Gigi D'Agostino Remix" drauf ist. Konnte den Remix zwar nicht hören, gehe allerdings davon aus, dass es sich um die Version handelt, die auf der Benessere drauf ist. Kann das jemand bestätigen?

Die Benessere ist zwar jetzt schon einige Jahre alt, dennoch ist mir letztens etwas aufgefallen. Der Song von "Akcent - Azi plang numai eu" müsste eigentlich ein Gigi D'Agostino Remix sein. Das Original klingt jedenfalls anders und außerdem hat Akcent selber eine CD mit Namen "S.O.S." herausgebracht wo der Song als "Gigi D'Agostino Remix" drauf ist. Konnte den Remix zwar nicht hören, gehe allerdings davon aus, dass es sich um die Version handelt, die auf der Benessere drauf ist. Kann das jemand bestätigen?

Bei ca. 2:01 auf der Benessere sind auch die selben trommeln wie beim Il Cavaliere Intro leise zu hören :rockdahouse:

Die Benessere ist zwar jetzt schon einige Jahre alt, dennoch ist mir letztens etwas aufgefallen. Der Song von "Akcent - Azi plang numai eu" müsste eigentlich ein Gigi D'Agostino Remix sein. Das Original klingt jedenfalls anders und außerdem hat Akcent selber eine CD mit Namen "S.O.S." herausgebracht wo der Song als "Gigi D'Agostino Remix" drauf ist. Konnte den Remix zwar nicht hören, gehe allerdings davon aus, dass es sich um die Version handelt, die auf der Benessere drauf ist. Kann das jemand bestätigen?

Hab das Thema schonmal im Oktober 2005 angeschnitten siehe hier ;-)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Bei ca. 2:01 auf der Benessere sind auch die selben trommeln wie beim Il Cavaliere Intro leise zu hören :yahoo:

Es ist aber fragwürdig, ob das wirklich das Intro von "Il Cavaliere" ist ... bei der Sendung "Il Programmino" ist ja ein anderes Intro dabei ... :sabber:

Bearbeitet von DonHergeFan
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
Mich würde was anderes interessieren . Es ist ja mal angekündigt worden für die Benessere 2 oder hab ich mich da geirrt ????

Genau so wie die Il Grande Viaggio 2, die Laboratorio 4 & die Unbderconstrucion 1992-2005 :lachen1:

Bei der Underconstruction 1992-2005 denike ich, dass das Underconstruction hier nicht als CD Nahme dient nur bedeutet das die CD noch in bearbeitung ist.Ich denke die Mondo Reale könnte die fertige UC 1992-2005 sein :mrbighead:

Und die Suono Libero sollte die ehemalige Laboratorio 4 sein , da auf einigen Sl's hinten auf dem Goldsticker Laboratorio 4 stand und Gigi glaube ich damals schon gesagt hat , dass es eine doppel CD wird (Laboratorio 1-3 waren einzell CD's)

Die Benessere 1 KÖNNTE meiner Meinung nach auch die ehemalige Il Grande Viaggio 2 sein wobei ich dafür jetzt keinen Beweis hätte.Ausserdem würden dann CD ankündigung & Release 2-3 Jahre auseinanderliegen :mrbighead:

Bearbeitet von hlennarz
  • 7 Monate später...

Sodala, grade krieg ich den MediaRec-Newsletter, da steht ua Folgendes:

Gigi D'Agostino ci parla della sua Compilation citando "Waking Life": "una volta un uomo mi disse che l'errore peggiore che si possa fare...è quello di credere di essere vivi...quando invece stai dormendo nella sala d'attesa della vita..."

Dass sogar dieses Zitat (bzw. die anderen auch?) aus "Waking Life" stammt wusste ich auch nicht!

Diesen Film muss ich jetzt doch mal irgendwann anschaun, so oft wie der schon zitiert wurde!


Dass sogar dieses Zitat (bzw. die anderen auch?) aus "Waking Life" stammt wusste ich auch nicht!

Das steht doch sogar hinten auf der CD selbst drauf^^

  • 1 Jahr später...

Compilation Benessere 1

-CD 1-



„Ladies and Gentlemen,
Gigi D'Agostino!“










„Ciò che penso... (Salem...)
è molto intenso...
al nuovo buio... (Salem...)
io son propenso...
perchè è dal buio... (Salem...)
che sono nato...
e grazie a lui... (Salem...)
ho camminato...“

„Luce che si riproduce... (Salem...)
grazie a quel buio...
che la conduce...
nasce dal buio...
e ci conduce... (Salem...)
sembra banale...
ma è reale...“

„Luce che si riproduce... (Salem...)
grazie a quel buio...
che la conduce...
nasce dal buio...
e ci conduce... (Salem...)
sembra banale...
ma è reale...“

„Luce che si riproduce... (Salem...)
grazie a quel buio...
che la conduce...
nasce dal buio...
e ci conduce... (Salem...)
sembra banale...
ma è reale...“

ALLAH! El rey Boabdile
llora por la Alambrá
que dejó en Graná

Yo sueño de noche...
yo sueño de día...
con palacios de oro...
de la morería...


Cuando por la noche...
la luna se quita...
Boabdile el chico...
viene y me pregunta...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!

ALLAH! E salem...
Selem selem aleikum!
Aleikum aleikum salam!

Selem selem aleikum!
Aleikum aleikum salam!

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...


Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...

Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...
Anabalina-lina-lina Ana!
Anabalina-lina-la Balina...


























„Benvenuti... nel mondo che non c'è!
Un uomo che ama, sa dov'è...
Attraverso i percorsi...
Suoni e discorsi...
È difficile da immaginare...
Ma bello da sognare...“


Badò bàdo...

Badò bàdo...
Badò bàdo... e bo...


Badò bàdo... badò...
Badò bàdo... e bo...
Badò bàdo... badò...
Badò bàdo... e bo...
Badò bàdo... badò...
Badò bàdo... e bo...
Badò bàdo... badò...
Badò bàdo... e bo...

Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...

Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
E bo... eh...

Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...

Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...
Badò bàdo... badò bàd... ah...
Badò bàdo... e bo... eh...


E bo... eh...

E bo...




Find the ...ind the... would...
Find the ...ind the... would would...
Find the ...ind the... would...
Find the ...ind the... would would...

Find the ...ind the... would...
Find the ...ind the... would would...
Find the ...ind the... would...
Find the ...ind the... would would...

Find the ...ind the... would... ah...
Find the ...ind the... would would... eh...
Find the ...ind the... would... ah...
Find the ...ind the... would would... eh...

Find the ...ind the... would... ah...
Find the ...ind the... would would... eh...
Find the ...ind the... would... ah...
Find the ...ind the... would would... eh...

[Uomo Suono]

We find the ...ind the... would... ah...
We find the ...ind the... would would... eh...
We find the ...ind the... would... ah...
We find the ...ind the... would would... eh...

We find the ...ind the... would... ah...
We find the ...ind the... would would... eh...
We find the ...ind the... would... ah...
We find the ...ind the... would would...

We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...
We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would!

We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...
We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...

We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...
We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would...


Find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...
We find the ...the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...

We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...
We find the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would...

We f... would...
We f... we the... we the...
We f... we the... we the... would...
We f... we the... we the... we f...

We find the... ind the... would...
We f... we the... we the... we f...
ind them... would...
We find the... ind the... would would...


We find the ...ind the... would...
We find the ...ind the... would would...
We find... find... find... find... find... find... find... find...

Find we them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...

Find we them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...

Find we them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...

Find we them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...

Find we them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...
We them... would...

Find we them... would...
We them... would...


„Quando parlo...
Mi perdo in approssimazioni...“


In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

[Silver Screen/Showerscene]

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...
In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

In the back shake tambourine...
Nicotine my silver screen...

[Bass, Beats & Melody]


I'm bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and

[Passo Passo]

I'm bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and


Rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and Dominator

Rougher and rougher and...

bigger and bigger and...

bigger and bigger and...

Bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
bigger and bigger and
bolder and bolder and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and tough and
rougher and rougher and
tough and Dominator

Wanna kiss myself!

Wanna kiss myself!

Wanna kiss myself!


„Oggi tutti abbiamo bisogno di riscoprire la nostra individualità profonda...
la nostra omnicità...
che è tale solo nel momento in cui divide la sua essenza con quella di tutti gli altri...
ma che è tale quando non viene manipolata...
quando i media non la bombardano con i messaggi a senso unico...
quando esiste un pensiero "contro"...

Senza la possibilità di espandere la propria mente...
la propria sensibilità...
le proprie emozioni verso territori personali...
non c'è progresso...

Senza una musica che possa essere letta in mille e mille maniere diverse...
che crei un immaginario, c'è solo conformismo ed appiattimento...
ne sono certo!

Vi sfido ad una piccola indagine...
trovate due di voi che abbiano ricavato dall'ascolto di questo cd lo stesso messaggio...


[The Power Of Love]

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow ow love...
...ow love...
...ow ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow...

'Cause I am your lady
and you are my man
whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn

The power of love

'Cause I am your lady
and you are my man
whenever you reach for me
I'll do all that I can

We're heading for something
Somewhere I've never been
Sometimes I am frightened
But I'm ready to learn

The power of love



...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...

...ow love...
...ow love...


[Sweet Sorrow]

„È strano ciò che succede con la musica...
è strano... sapere che... una... una canzone... una nuova canzone o un nuovo brano strumentale...
non possano trovare spazio... in un posto... forse in un... in un territorio... in un mondo dove...
dove chi... ascolta la musica e a volte anche chi la propone... sceglie solo ed esclusivamente un...
un brano musicale che possa rientrare nei canoni... di quelli che ascolta già...
o che ogni pensiero o ogni brano debbano rientrare per forza nei canoni di ciò che già conosce...
Insomma... ...perchè la mente umana tende a scegliere sempre e solo il sentiero che conosce già?


[Toccando Le Nuvole]


invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

[Momento Contento]

invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager...


invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

[Main Title/The Kiss]

deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...

deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...
invention deeder ha...
a heart beager ha...


Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!


Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!

Drum bass, this is the way to hold me back!


Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...


Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...


Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...


Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me up my head...

Rock my head...
Rock my head...
Rock my head...
Rock my head...

Rock my head...
Rock my head...
Rock my head...
Rock my head...

Rock my head...
Rock my head...
Rock my head...
Rock my head...


Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...

Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...
Up me doop me rock my head...


[Chi Cerca Scusa Trova Menzogne]


Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...

Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...
Excuse me...


Like this!


Like this!


Like this!


[Canto Do Mar]

Like this!


Excuse me...

Hey DJ!
Like this!


Like this!


Like this!


Like this!

Doleicondeda odò...
Doleicondeda odò...
Dodocondeda odò...

(Excuse me...)
Doleicondeda odò...
(Excuse me...)
Doleicondeda odò...
(Excuse me...)
Dodocondeda odò...
(Excuse me...)
(Excuse me...)

Doleiconsea dodowe...
Doleicondeda odowe...
Doleiconsea dodowe...
Doleiconsea dusuwe... e-e-e-e...
Doleiconsea dusuwe... e-e-e-e...

Canto do mar...
Canto do mar...

Canto do mar...
Canto do mar...


Doleicondeda odò...
Doleicondeda odò...
Doleicondeda odò...

Doleicondeda odò...
Doleicondeda odò...
Dodocondeda odò...

Doleiconsea dodowe...
Doleicondeda odowe...
Doleiconsea dodowe...
Doleiconsea dusuwe... e-e-e-e...

Canto do mar...
Canto do mar...



Don't wait for me
my mind runs free
don't wait for me
I must try
must understand
suddenly pretend
to find the way
to live my way

With or without
your certainty
your sweet embrace
that holds me tight
so I'm blind
'cause I can't see
what it means to be
alone... alone
to face my own mistakes
or evenmore my own fate

With or without
the guarantee
that everyday
I can survive
so I'm blind
what it means to be
alone... alone


With or without
a friend to share
the fantasy
of all my dreams
so I'm blind
'cos I can't see
what it means to be
alone... alone
to face my own mistakes
or evenmore my own fate

With or without
a world to see
someone to love
that cares for me
so I'm blind
'cause I can't see
what it means to be
alone... alone
to face my own mistakes
or evenmore my own fate

[Attraverso Noi]

„Una volta un uomo mi disse che l'errore peggiore che si possa fare...
è quello di credere di essere vivi...
quando invece stai dormendo nella sala d'attesa della vita...
...l'errore peggiore che si possa fare...
è quello di credere di essere vivi...
quando invece...

Il trucco sta nel combinare le tue facoltà razionali dello stato di veglia...
con le infinite possibilità che puoi incontrare nei tuoi sogni...

Se riesci a fare questo puoi fare tutto!


Se riesci a fare questo puoi fare tutto!

- CD 2-

[Azi Plâng Numai Eu]

Nu mai am sentimente indeajuns
As umple marea cate lacrimi am plans pentru tine
De ce m-ai uitat
Nu mai am nici putere sa fiu
Mi-ai sfasiat inima, e tarziu pentru mine
De ce m-ai uitat

Si amandoi am ajuns la soare
Ne-am iubit cu adevarat
Fara nici o vina
Azi tu m-ai uitat...

Si amandoi am gustat iubirea
Amandoi ma ras mereu
Fara nici o vina
Azi plang numai eu...

Si mi-e greu sa traiesc in trecut
As sparge muntii cu durerea ce arde in mine
De ce m-ai uitat
Nu mai am nici putere sa fiu

Mi-ai sfasiat inima, e tarziu pentru mine
De ce m-ai ui

Si amandoi am ajuns la soare
Ne-am iubit cu adevarat
Fara nici o vina
Azi tu m-ai uitat...

Si amandoi am gustat iubirea
Amandoi ma ras mereu
Fara nici o vina
Azi plang numai eu...

Ne-am iubit cu adevarat
Fara nici o vina
Azi tu m-ai uitat...

Si amandoi am gustat iubirea
Amandoi ma ras mereu
Fara nici o vina
Azi plang numai eu...


Si amandoi am ajuns la soare
Ne-am iubit cu adevarat
Fara nici o vina
Azi tu m-ai uitat...


[Paura E Nobiltà]

Basta un niente per creare un prepotente
tanti soldi e il successo tra la gente
e la paura di non posseder più niente
questo basta a infettar la sua mente

Lui si nasconte dietro un cellulare
perchè più facile non affrontare
tu non rispondi tu ti nascondi
e soltanto quando tu ti senti perso
allora si che cerchi tutto l'universo

Ma che ti vada di traverso...

Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, dis-disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, dis-disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...
Cer... co, cerco un disco...

Un bel giorno ho incontrato un uomo strano
stava fermo e mi guardava da lontano
non so perchè ma gli volevo parlare
buon uomo perchè mi stai a guardare

Non guardavo ne te ne le montagne ne il cielo neanche il mare
quantalto puoi guardare
ciò che guardo e una cosa indefinita
sto guardando il miracolo della vita

Sto guardando il miracolo della vita...


Basta un niente per creare un prepotente
tanti soldi e il successo tra la gente
e la paura di non posseder più niente
questo basta a infettar la sua mente

Lui si nasconte dietro un cellulare
perchè più facile non affrontare
tu non rispondi tu ti nascondi
e soltanto quando tu ti senti perso
allora si che cerchi tutto l'universo

Ma che ti vada di traverso...

Un bel giorno ho incontrato un uomo strano
stava fermo e mi guardava da lontano
non so perchè ma gli volevo parlare
buon uomo perchè mi stai a guardare

Non guardavo ne te ne le montagne ne il cielo neanche il mare
quantalto puoi guardare
ciò che guardo e una cosa indefinita
sto guardando il miracolo della vita

[Amore Grande Amore Libero]



„Porto a passeggio i miei suoni...“


[Il Suono Della Dignità]


[Sostanza Noetica]

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
]out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... my pawn...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

[The Rain]

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... talking...

out... walking in...
black... talking...
out... walking in...
black... my pawn...

I wanna live by your side
wanna be with you all day and night
'cause I need to hold you

I wanna be in your eyes
all I dream is you and I
always together


I wanna be in your eyes
'cause i need to hold you
'cause i need to hold...
...in your eyes

I wanna live by your side
wanna be with you all day and night
'cause I need to hold you

I wanna be in your eyes
all I dream is you and I
always together


Los ojos, la boca, las manos
La magia, la danza, la musica

[Summer Of Energy]

Los ojos, la boca, las manos
La magia, la danza, la musica
Los ojos, la boca, las manos
La magia, la danza, la musicaCamina conmigo


I'm on a beach going to nowhere
and you're walking by my side, wherever
the stars fall in love
and this love come to me
like a stream
in a summer of energy


I'm on a beach going to nowhere
and you're walking by my side, wherever
the stars fall in love
and this love come to me
like a stream
in a summer of energy

I'm on a beach going to nowhere
and you're walking by my side, wherever
the stars fall in love
and this love come to me
like a stream
in a summer of energy


[On Eagle's Wings]

La boca, las manos
La boca, las manos
La magia, la danza, la musica
Los ojos, la boca, las manos
La magia, la danza, la musica
Camina conmigo

You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
who abide in His shadow for life,
say to the Lord: "My refuge, my rock in whom I trust"

And He will raise you up on eagles' wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun, like the sun
and hold you in the palm of His hand

And He will raise you up on eagles' wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun, like the sun
and hold you in the palm of His hand


The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
and famine will bring you no fear
under His wings your refuge, His faithfulness your shield

And He will raise you up on eagles' wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun, like the sun
and hold you in the palm of His hand

And He will raise you up on eagles' wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun, like the sun
and hold you in the palm of His hand


For to His angels He's given a command,
To guard you in all of your ways,
Upon their hands they will bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone

And He will raise you up on eagles' wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun, like the sun
and hold you in the palm of His hand

And He will raise you up on eagles' wings,
bear you on the breath of dawn,
make you to shine like the sun, like the sun
and hold you in the palm of His hand


Like the sun

[Il Cavaliere]

„Caro Ascoltatore... è il tuo istinto pensatore... a scegliere il tuo Amore...“


[Bla Bla Bla]

















What-been-I-'bout-you-been-think What




„You'll be my baby and we'll fly away...“


„A volte ti parlano miei occhi
perché tanta gioia
non si può descrive...“


„Ora capisco perché sei così...
ora capisco perché così forte ciò che senti...
ora capisco perché vuoi rimanere qui...
ora capisco perché non capirlo...“


Pour-quoi-pas me ne

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne

[La Scomoune]

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah


Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

Quoi-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne

Pour-pour-quoi-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah


Me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

[Donna Amante Mia]


Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah

Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas me ne
Pour-quoi-pas yeah


Come cresce bene il nostro amore,
non lo voglio abbandonare,
questo timido germoglio,
pelle di velluto non ti sveglio io,
con il freddo della brina,
penseresti ad un addio.




„Acest cântec... mă atinge în interiorul...
Mesajul său... mă atinge în centro...
Ritmul său... mă imbate înăuntru...
Mesajul său... mă atinge în centro...

Acest cântec... mă atinge în interiorul...
Mesajul său... mă atinge în centro...
Ritmul său... mă imbate înăuntru...
Acum scuzaţi-ă... nu mai am timp...“

[A Pochi Istanti Da Terra]

„Questa canzone... mi piace dentro...
Il suo messaggio... mi coglie in centro...
Il suo ritmo... mi batte dentro...
Ora scusate... non ho più tempo...“


„Non c'è altro da dire!“


  • Like 5

Vielleicht noch ein paar Worte dazu: Daran habe ich seit mehreren Monaten immer wieder mal geschrieben und manche Teile stimmen bestimmt noch nicht ganz, es kann also sein, dass sich der Text noch ändert. Deshalb: nicht kopieren ;)

Und bei den Sample-Texten möchte ich darauf hinweisen, dass das mein subjektives Ohr gehört hat, völlig ohne Zusammenhang und Grundlage!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Rispetto Phil! Das war eine sehr "workaholic"-mäßige Arbeit, Danke...

Bearbeitet von Brian

Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...

Gigi hat den Text so mal notiert, gleichzeitig aber auch geschrieben, dass die Stelle so nicht stimmt.

Ich hör da immer "Check - song - check my disco song - disco song" raus.

  • 3 Jahre später...
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ich weiß nicht, ob es bereits bekannt war, aber den Titel Musichismo - Musichismo gab es bereits schon 1994! :shok:

Hab ihn in einem Live-Set ausm Le Palace von 1994 entdeckt... einfach mal den Kanal von "Fabio D. Torino" auf Youtube checken, dann das Video anklicken welches 16:42min lang geht und dort der zweite Titel. :daumenhoch:
Und auf nem anderen Kanal hab ich ein Set von 1993 gehört, in dem der Disco-Vocalist den Namen "Gigi Noisemaker" erwähnt, den gibts also auch schon länger... :wahnsinnig:

Bearbeitet von Sottosopra
  • Like 3
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sehr interessant !

In einem anderen Liveset (ich meine sogar 1993) hört man übrigends eine frühe Version von Pomp !

Cer... co, cerco un disco, disco...

Gigi hat den Text so mal notiert, gleichzeitig aber auch geschrieben, dass die Stelle so nicht stimmt.

Ich hörr da immer

Check - song - check my disco song - disco song

Nach 4 Jahren sag ich jetzt mal es ist:

Check-...out, check- out this- out, this- out,

check-...out, check- out this- out, this- this out !

Den selben sample gibt es auch voll in "La Marche Elettronique." "Check this out". ;)

Bearbeitet von hlennarz
  • Like 1

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