kayzero Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Hello eveybody...!For them who knows Severo, I'd just wanted to inform you about his upcoming website I've maded for him... It's still under construction, but I've expect it to be done as soon as possible!Check it here
CHB Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 i said, italo dj from this forum will be happy.because his friend is severo ;) and he like severo.
Gecki Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Thanks a lot for the info kayzero:I really like Severo's music Greetz,Gecki
kayzero Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Autor Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Thanks a lot for the info kayzero:I really like Severo's music Greetz,Gecki He said he didn't have the time to control it, and he couldn't find out of all that HTML things, and i thought he decived a website...!I'm not either really in to all that webstuff, but I'll try BTW.Check my mix of Vuoi Ballare here and Severo's and my song here(Severo is behind the production of the last link, I'm the composer) Take care!
andrew_k Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 you`re great kayzero...RESPECT!!!i love your works... Its ROX!
kayzero Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Autor Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 you`re great kayzero...RESPECT!!!i love your works... Its ROX! Danke für dich
Gecki Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 "If cow waw a ethic" is great - I really like it Greetz,Gecki
DJ_Biohazard Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2004 hehe italo dj wird sich freuen *g* Heheheheh und ICH erst :-))))
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