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kein dance song dürfte aber jedem bekannt sein war vor kurzem in den deutschen top 10

You held my hand and walked me home I know,

While you gave me that kiss, it was something like this it made me go oh oh.

You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go?

Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love

Guys are so hard to trust

Did I not tell you that I'm not like that girl,the one who gives it all away

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Gast DJ_Michl

Hey Bio postet ja keinen Song mehr, und ich will ned das der thread stirbt, also post ich wieder einen Text:

You thought you could keep this shit from me, yeah.

You burned Bitch, I heard the story.

You played me, you even gave him a head.

Now you are askin for me back.

You just another act, look elsewhere, cuz you done with me.

ganz einfach!

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Gast DJ_Michl

Naja, beim technofreak wirds noch dauern bis er online kommt.... würd mal sagen chb du postest nen text, aufn technofreak zu warten zahl sich ned aus, der hat 56k..... *lol* :gigirockdahouse:

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Na gut, dann lass ich mal was von mir hören. Also ich weiß net ob jemand drauf kommt is ein klassiker:

She was queen for about an hour

after that shit got sour

she took all I ever had

no sign of guilt no feeling of bad, no

In a trapped trip I can't grip

never thought i'd be the one who'd slip

then I started to realize

I was living one big lie

Mal gespannt ob den jemand rausfindet!

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Gast technofreak

Ok michi da hast recht aber na wart jetz kommt was von mir:

Ich lass absichtlich die erste zeile weg damit es nicht gleich so leicht ist........



Of lovers sleeping tight,

Are rolling like thunder now,

As I look in your eyes

I hold on to your body,

And feel each move you make,

Your voice is warm and tender,

A love that I could not forsake

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ICH !!!

Es ist bissel schwer ... aber wenn man ein wahrer **** FAN ist sollte man es rausbekommen !!

I'll never be far from home

talkin' on the telephone

You told me it's over, you made up your mind,

I'm part of the life that you're leaving behind

I'm left holding the torch

and the heat from the flame,

only ease me a pain

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