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Eurotimes - Be My Lover (und weitere Titel) - DANCE TIPP 2024

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Desper-D:

Is this AI generated music?

70 % of it, all the lyrics are made by me and also some of the instrumental melodies (Fruity). I also choose the parts of the song (structure).

Bearbeitet von denharrow
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vor 37 Minuten schrieb Desper-D:

Thanks for being honest, but I am totally against AI and I wonder should we even support AI generated music. I won't for sure!

I don´t make money with these productions.

On YouTube I get nothing, on Spotify too less people are listening to become rich, maybe I will get 50 Cents in one year.

I do it for passion and like it when other Italo Dance fans love these tracks too.

At the moment we get only a few (real) good dance productions from Italy, so I wanted to give the fans (and me) many new Italo hits - maybe too much because I spend 6-7 hours a day to produce two good songs.

Of course I go on to buy all new good dance productions in Italo-Disco, Eurobeat and Italo Dance style without AI-help and support the producers and labels.

Moreover these new programs can help producers to find some new ideas and melodies....

So I understand your point, but I think the new possibilites are not negative only.

Bearbeitet von denharrow
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