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Label On The Table / GDC Band


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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I guess Gigi started to buy copyrights from other producers. This GDC Band appears on at least on 4 different versions of "L'Amour Toujors" that wasn't for sure produced by Gigi D'Agostino.

If you don't know what it means, follow the money, and everything became immediately clear.

Bearbeitet von Desper-D
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  • Confused 3

the 3rd and 4th are Remixes from Johnny Vicious (the 4th is a hobby mash-up from the Vicious Remix).

Gigi don't have the rights of the Johnny Vicious Remixes!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Gigi has definitely nothing to do with "GDC band" expect that GDC band is using L'amour Toujours for their own remixes. 

Besides all those remixes and so on are more than a year old... 

So the only one who has to buy licenses is GDC band and they are paying Gigi😅



I'm more than curious where your suggestions are based up on😊

Bearbeitet von henk_jan

You are wrong. GDC Band name is submitted by Gigi D'Agostino himself. Not by any other beholder. Licence cleary states in order of importance that Label On The Table (similar name to Label To Fable) is govern personal by Gigi D'Agostino, like Gigi D'Agostino Planet. Why name of the label is different? I have no idea, but for sure both labels are governed by Gigi.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
30 minutes ago, Desper-D said:

You are wrong. GDC Band name is submitted by Gigi D'Agostino himself. Not by any other beholder. Licence cleary states in order of importance that Label On The Table (similar name to Label To Fable) is govern personal by Gigi D'Agostino, like Gigi D'Agostino Planet. Why name of the label is different? I have no idea, but for sure both labels are governed by Gigi.

No you are wrong. Gigi is clearly an illusion created by me. I started making music in 1986 when I was -2 years old. I have written it on a german fan forum now, so it is obviously true, and my burden of proof is fulfilled.

Bearbeitet von DJ Maldestra
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vor 56 Minuten schrieb Desper-D:

You are wrong. GDC Band name is submitted by Gigi D'Agostino himself. Not by any other beholder. Licence cleary states in order of importance that Label On The Table (similar name to Label To Fable) is govern personal by Gigi D'Agostino, like Gigi D'Agostino Planet. Why name of the label is different? I have no idea, but for sure both labels are governed by Gigi.

Well in that case, can you proof those claims? I can't find anything that points in the direction of Gigi, so I'm wondering where to look. 😊


you have to ask Gigi on the casadag forum.

the license of the songs, the description and graphics of the videos are the same as those of the Tuttodag videos.  There is a chance that Gigi created the channel.  But it's for sure if he writes about it.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Desper is right:



No idea why he is re-uploading these random remixes from other people...


but the label is registered in Brazil? what the hell is going on, lol


Especially the "Easy Dance Long Mix" is of horrible sound quality. Taken from an old fan video with clips from the Harley Quinn movie, LMAO. But somehow Gigi decided to add an in- and outro to it.


The source of this mix is "Dynoro & Gigi D’Agostino - In My Mind (Harlie & Charper Bootleg)"



Bearbeitet von hlennarz
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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

How is that proof that Gigi has bought these songs, or he is behind this in any way?

He is the author of L’Amour Toujours. He has the license, that is why he is mentorens. And this brazilian in this version of the song is released by this label.

And who creates these remarks?

Are they automatically generated, if so why is it written gigidagostino, and not the correct way?

I have a million questions, and I feel frustrated lately with all these crazy statements without source/proof? And then after 10 comments, the “proof” is dubious at best. 

What is happening?

Gigi is also mentioned under licences in this one, so he is responsible for this video as well?


Bearbeitet von DJ Maldestra
vor 22 Minuten schrieb hlennarz:

Desper is right:



No idea why he is re-uploading theserandom remixes from other people...

It's easy. Everyone knows that Gigi is using ghost producers, so why change something that is working perfectly? It's better to pay them in advance then to share royalties.

But to be honest, this retroactivity it's for me odd. Buying rights for remixes that are not so successful and trying to change the past? It's something that I can only explain by a proud behavior, because it's nothing profitable. But I can be wrong. Music market is changing so fast, that maybe it's something visionary.

Well, Gigi is a strange man living in a strange world of Gigi D'Agostino 😅

  • Confused 1
vor 2 Minuten schrieb DJ Maldestra:

How is that proof that Gigi has bought these songs, or he is behind this in any way?

He is the author of L’Amour Toujours. He has the license, that is why he is mentorens. And this brazilian in this version of the song is released by this label.

And who creates these remarks?

Are they automatically generated, if so why is it written gigidagostino, and not the correct way?

I have a million questions, and I feel frustrated lately with all these crazy statements without source/proof? And then after 10 comments, the “proof” is dubious at best. 

What is happening?

Because for example old versions of L'Amour Toujours was in YT algorithm before. For sure was Johnny Vicious remix. And it was not recognize as a Danza, Trance or Hard Trance remix. But as a Johnny Vicious remix and main artist was Gigi D'Agostino. Also old copyrights holders are still there. All holders from american distributions are still mentioned. What changes is the main artist and name of remixes. And all those changes appear in the same moment when Label On The Table appears as a royalty holder. And it's first in the list! YouTube are giving informations in order of importance which means that first holder is the same who is submitted informations or for whom behalf companies are doing.


I still see no proof, at all, that Gigi has bought anything.

And there is no proof either that Gigi is involved at all.

Anyone could upload these songs, and they would be recognized as songs by GDC.

I wouldn’t put it past ZYX, that they are responsible, and GDC = Golden Dance Classics, their older name for some releases. But they is obviously an undocumented leap, so I will not claim this to be true.

  • Thanks 1
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

No one can upload anything as a gigidagistino - in YT licensing system, except Gigi D'Agostino who use the same account to upload all Gigi D'Agostino Planet releases. I am not talking about videos above. Two of them were submitted by myself. I am talking about songs/version of songs that was submitted into YT Copyright database. And this database is used to establish copyright and pay royalties to the respective authors. That's really not so complicated to understand.

Bearbeitet von Desper-D
  • Thanks 1
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Ok, fair enough.

So Gigi uploads GDC Band - L'Amour Toujours and a Sandstorm/L'Amour Toujours mashup, and gets royalties when they are recognized.

I will ask again.

Where is the proof that Gigi has bought anything?

Where is the proof that Gigi has payed Darude for the exclusive rights to this mashup, to get royalties?

How should it be obvious to anyone, that just because it says "gigidagostino" under licenses, that Gigi has payed for the licenses of these versions, and he alone has the possibility to upload these songs to the database for registry. To me it would make just as much sense that Label on the table has uploaded the song, and registrered Gigi as the licensee, so he is rightfully payed royalty, just as ZYX could have done other places, where you see "gigidagostino (on behalf of ZYX Music)". I am questioning why it is obvious?

Bearbeitet von DJ Maldestra



I don't think there is a tag in the title of the video by chance.  

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vor 24 Minuten schrieb Phil:

Wait, stop! "PARA BAILAR MAS" is one of Gigi's channels?! 🤯😵💫

Just asking. Not claiming. And it was not an argument in this discussion. In fact I asked it in different topic.

vor 8 Minuten schrieb DJ Maldestra:

Ok, fair enough.

So Gigi uploads GDC Band - L'Amour Toujours and a Sandstorm/L'Amour Toujours mashup, and gets royalties when they are recognized.

I will ask again.

Where is the proof that Gigi has bought anything?

Where is the proof that Gigi has payed Darude for the exclusive rights to this mashup, to get royalties?

Ok. You may right. Maybe he just carbon copied those tracks and upload it without paying them. Maybe he really just upload tracks that are so similar to the remixes made by other artist that YT algorithm simply recognize it as GFC Band versions.

But whatever was submitted as GFC Band under Label On The Table was submitted by Gigi himself, because YT forbid to use the same name twice, and both Label To The Table and Gigi D'Agostino Planet are governed by Gigi's YT channel. That is the fact!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
17 minutes ago, Desper-D said:

But whatever was submitted as GFC Band under Label On The Table was submitted by Gigi himself, because YT forbid to use the same name twice, and both Label To The Table and Gigi D'Agostino Planet are governed by Gigi's YT channel. That is the fact!

That I believe.

I am sorry for my comments, but I hope you at least somewhat can understand my reaction, when presented with something that seems utterly ridiculous. And it seems ridiculous if you don't know that the passage "gigidagostino (på vegne af LABEL ON THE TABLE)" means that Gigi is actually responsible for the upload. (I doubt I am the only one who didn't know that).

På vegne af = danish for on behalf of.

By the way, when opening the first one for me there is no banner with automatically registered artist, track name and license. And the text...

"Con licencia para YouTube de 

gigidagostino (en representación de LABEL ON THE TABLE); Warner Chappell, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc. y 9 sociedades de derechos musicales"

... is just manually inserted in the comments. At least when I open it.


All of these practices seems incredible devious/malignant, and I find it difficult to keep up.

But then what does it mean when under license some songs say "gigidagostino (on behalf of ZYX Music)". How can XYZ Music be governed by Gigi?

Bearbeitet von DJ Maldestra
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vor 18 Minuten schrieb Desper-D:

Just asking. Not claiming. And it was not an argument in this discussion. In fact I asked it in different topic.

Yes! That was not meant as offense! 😊 That's why I really asked this question again... it seems so strange. But I didn't listen to these mixes yet.

Aaand I now saw that you already asked in the other topic.

  • Like 1


vor 1 Minute schrieb Phil:

Yes! That was not meant as offense! 😊 That's why I really asked this question again... it seems so strange. But I didn't listen to these mixes yet.

Aaand I now saw that you already asked in the other topic.

This channel was made in Italy. But it doesn't proof anything. But one thing is strange, that Lentonova version of L'Amour Toujours was uploaded year before. But I need to listen carefully because it may be simple another Alan Walker style version of L'Amour Toujours.




It's almost the same.  "Para baliar mas"  If this channel is not Gigi, how was the song in 2021 when you uploaded it? After all, it was officially published only a month ago.

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