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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Romantic (L'Amour Mix)


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Romantic (L'Amour Mix)
Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise 




If I could turn back time
I'd do it again...
If someone said to choose
I would do the same...
Over and over 
never be tired to say
I want you...

So you are in my dreams again...
Obsessions sweet and clear
you blew away my fear...
... the fear of never see' you again
Because my mind is always set... on you...

I whistle walkin' down the street
Cuz' when i think of you
My happiness is true

This love is like a symphony
My memory will never stop to play...

If I could turn back time
I'd do it again...
If someone said to choose
I would do the same...
Over and over 
never be tired to say
I want you... (x2)


In the dark you are
my firefly...
Mesmerizing with
... your light
The beauty of this mystery...
Rocks on
and makes us fly away
together... (x2)



Bearbeitet von Bluestar
merged with corrections from ShadowMP and DonHergeFan thx
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