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Gigi D'Agostino - Sun Is Rising (Collection, Vol 2)


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from "Gigi D'Agostino Collection, Vol. 2"


 Sun Is Rising
Gigi D'Agostino
("Semplicemente" cover)


The words you say to me...
they can mean so many things,
to me they're like the breath of every thought...

Again the shines of light,
in the silence cames to flow,
another day is getting to its end.

Here the wind
is blowing...

there's a world
able only
to keep out so


Fight enough...
... out tears and fears

We should help each other 
to bear...

With these times...
so dangerous,
aware that some times
gets us

Testing out
how hard life is...
by something
to bring on
to lose...

I do care...
whats wrong or right...

We're needed
to keep up
this fight...


Hold on to my love
and don't get lost...
When the sun is rising one more time
let me be your valentine...
And if you feel worried
keep holding on,
when the sun is setting in the shade
troubles will fade away...



The light abide the moon
now the land is not so dark,
its like a picture taken by your eyes...

I like the way you talk,
when you're movin' all day long,
and never think about the things your fault...


.. feel the wind
its blowing...

theres a place
... thats
able to
keep our life 
so ...


Fight enough...
... out tears and fears

We should help each other 
to bear...

With these times...
so dangerous,
aware that some times
gets us

Testing out
how hard life is...
by something
to bring on
to lose...

I do care...
whats wrong or right...

We're needed
to keep up
this fight...

( this is the sound of yesterday... )

....now finally we have a light today... 
we should have been out of this way...
... have will we have a light today...
... this is the sound of yesterday... 


Bearbeitet von Bluestar
some more fixes with wifey =)
  • Like 6
  • Thanks 1

I just re-discovered this recently released gem, the vocal cover of the Semplicemente...

So wonderful and totally fits on the current happenings of the world and this virus stuff and all, the hopeful recovery going on everywhere, while still having the fears in the hearts... .... ...


Thanks for the spectacular lyrics, I've never realize the meaning of this song 😮 Or the meaning that we can give to it nowadays...

  • Like 2
  • 4 Monate später...

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