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Magna Romagna - Atto Primo EP

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Magna Romagna will soon release album or any other kind of release.

Recently on Facebook they posted a string of symbols: dGhlIGZpcnN0IHJlbGVhc2UgZGF5IGlzIG5vdCBzbyBmYXIgYXdheQ==

It's a Base64-hash. If you put this string in Chrome console and use it like this: 


you will see the phrase encoded into that string: 

"the first release day is not so far away"

Waiting for more information :) 

Bearbeitet von kazin
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New info about first Magna Romagna EP. 

The title is Magna Romagna - Atto Primo EP.

It will contains of 3 tracks. More info on Italodanceportal.com news site. 


Bearbeitet von kazin
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Auf Facebook wurde soeben ein kurzer Teaser gepostet, offenbar ist Centotredici (früher bekannt als "Double D") einer der veröffentlichten Tracks auf der EP! 

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Btw, as we talking about Centotredici...

I wrote about this before already 4-5 years ago in Tracklist tread.

The melody of Centotredici is from Madonna - American Life refrain, here's the link with timecode (1:06):


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wow I checked a few minutes ago and there was no result 😁

Link is broken 🤨

Bearbeitet von tbg

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