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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Happy Go Lucky EP

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Since this EP was advertised in April and a month later there were released two new albums Mantra Dag and Scialescion, I do not think it is going to be released any longer, like Psico Dance which was likely replaced by Treno lento.

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb zabuyaque:

Since this EP was advertised in April and a month later there were released two new albums Mantra Dag and Scialescion, I do not think it is going to be released any longer, like Psico Dance which was likely replaced by Treno lento.

"Psico Dance" was never replaced...may be in your opinion, yes, but not in my and also not official. I think "Mantra Dag" will be realeased in the future... may it takes more time, and Gigi also got some lives now... just chill and wait. I am sure there are some E.p's and Albums comming in the near future, this year.

Bearbeitet von Erdbeer Wolf
15 hours ago, hlennarz said:

Mantra Dag wasn't released either. 😄


14 hours ago, Erdbeer Wolf said:

"Psico Dance" was never replaced...may be in your opinion, yes, but not in my and also not official. I think "Mantra Dag" will be realeased in the future... may it takes more time, and Gigi also got some lives now... just chill and wait. I am sure there are some E.p's and Albums comming in the near future, this year.

Of course, I confused Mantra Dag with Lentonauta, meant the latter, sorry. Personally, I also believe there are going to be other EP’s and albums, maybe even this year, but I feel that Happy Go Lucky and Psico Dance are already abandoned (sure, it’s just my opinion). By the way, has it ever been officially stated that Mondo reale and those advertised forthcoming releases from 2004 or 2005, like Underconstruction 1995–2005 or the vinyl Those Were The Days (and certainly a few others) are not going to be released in the end? Just asking, I don’t know … but even if it was not, we practically know that they are likely never going to see the light of day. However, we may be dealing just with names, as the songs intended to appear on Happy Go Lucky and Psico Dance may appear or might have already appeared on a release with a different title, just my two cents.

vor 5 Stunden schrieb zabuyaque:

By the way, has it ever been officially stated that Mondo reale and those advertised forthcoming releases from 2004 or 2005, like Underconstruction 1995–2005 or the vinyl Those Were The Days (and certainly a few others) are not going to be released in the end?

I don't think so.

  • 1 Monat später...


Jetzt wo der dritte Titel auf Youtube ist, könnte er die EP ja nun mal veröffentlichen... :hmm:

Drei aussichtslose Ankündigungen in den gepinnten Threads sind ja wohl etwas zuviel des Guten^^... 


Die EP kommt nicht mehr. Ansonsten hätten die Videos dazu entsprechende Titel und Videoinhalte.

Theard bitte entpinnen.

  • Sottosopra hat Thema abgepinnt
  • 1 Monat später...
  • 1 Jahr später...

Ich hoffe das Happy Go Lucky und Don't Say auf der Smoderanza Vol. 2 drauf sind. Don't Say mag ich total gerne! 🙂

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