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Lento & Violento vol. 1 Futurenoize

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Looks like a compilation of tracks by LV producers, who already released some EP/Singles on Media Records, such as Dj sTore, Dj Nico Vlp, Deejay Stella etc

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Btw I was thinking about is it proper to post about such releases here?

Gigi would definitely ban it from CasaDag in a single minute... :-)

(btw from one point it is a very ugly step from Bortolotti to use Lento & Violento as a project name, as he perfectly knows that its license patented (oh okay well, that "&" sign doesn't really matters now... I can't release a product which I call Coca & Cola, because it reminds the customers of the original product)... looking forward for the court case between Gigi and Bortolotti lol... what an end of a relationship, sad story.)

... also looking forward Gigi&Agostino releases now!

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
vor einer Stunde schrieb Bluestar:

btw from one point it is a very ugly step from Bortolotti to use Lento & Violento as a project name

That's what I thought, too!

But anyways, it's ok to write about it here and discuss it. Although a source should always be added. Everyone can create a cover image and post it here.

vor 23 Minuten schrieb Phil:

That's what I thought, too!

But anyways, it's ok to write about it here and discuss it. Although a source should always be added. Everyone can create a cover image and post it here.

Giuseppe Sessini hat es auch schon bei FB gepostet, der hat ja neuerdings einiges bei Media Records Evo rausgebracht. Also glaubwürdig ist es daher schon. 

Bin gespannt, was da so drauf sein wird... bisher haben mich die neuen Releases bei Media Records nicht grad vom Hocker gehauen...


vor 1 Stunde schrieb Bluestar:

Btw I was thinking about is it proper to post about such releases here?

Gigi would definitely ban it from CasaDag in a single minute... :-)

Of course, it will be an actual release! 

And we are GFU and not Casa Dag. :daumenhoch: Instead of a ban, you will get just this: :peitschen::mrbighead:

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  • Haha 3
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

In maximal 3 Wochen soll die Compilation veröffentlicht werden:

Media Records EVO Couple of weeks, 3 max

auf Anfrage einer Person!



The compilation should be published in a maximum of 3 weeks:

Media Records EVO Couple of weeks, 3 max

on request of a person!


Bearbeitet von Schlonte

Form Media Records EVO Facebook page: 


on March 17th
in all the digital stores: 
Lento & Violento continuous mix 


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

".... I wanted to relaunch it with Gigi, but we just couldn't make it..." said Gianfranco Bortolotti", so I looked for all of his "pupils", his biggest fans".

We want Lento & Violento to become a reference sound for Europe. We want to export it and we will try and improve it constantly. Kaizen - i.e. the spirit of Japanese progressive improvement that Gigi had already adopted when he produced with Media Records - will guide us. And we also hope he too will identify with this sound.


I like what he says, btw. 

Bearbeitet von kazin
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Hardness – Hippy Trippy  this one looks like the same that was played by Gigi in Quello che mi piace in 2009... not sure if it's a remake or the original one!

Bearbeitet von Marios7
7 minutes ago, Marios7 said:

Hardness – Hippy Trippy  this one looks like the same that was played by Gigi in Quello che mi piace in 2009... not sure if it's a remake or the original one!

No, this track uses same acapella sample, but sounds completely different to QCMP track.

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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Relativ unspektakuläres Set, das mich nicht wirklich anspricht oder überzeugen kann.Von DJ sTore und co. kenne ich weitaus bessere Sachen. Ausgefeiltere und kreativere Tracks.  Ist für mich auch weit weg von richtig gutem Lento. 08/15 Sound...leider. Wenngleich die Synths und Bässe qualitativ top sind und das Set sicher einige Lento-Fans ansprechen wird. Für mich hat es (natürlich) auch nichts mit Gigi's Lento Violento Kreationen zutun. Ist aber beim Hören für mich kein Kriterium. Ich find's einfach nur wenig ansprechend, auch weil das Genre in der Vergangenheit schon so viel mehr gutes und kreatives hervorgebracht hat- da bin ich sehr verwöhnt und anspruchsvoll. 

Nichts desto trotz, halte ich Bortolotti, auch nach seinem kürzlichen Interview, für nen menschlich korrekten Typen mit viel Leidenschaft und Liebe für die Musik. Glaube auch eher weniger, dass es als ein "fuck you" von ihm Richtung Gigi gemeint ist. Er bedauert viel mehr sehr, das die Zusammenarbeit mit Gigi gescheitert ist.

Und dazu noch die Worte zum Schluss Richtung Gigi: "And we also hope he too will identify with this sound." Bortolotti hätte sich eine Veröffentlichung mit Gigi gewünscht. Beide waren ein gut funktionierendes Team über Jahre hinweg...nun ist es wie es ist.

Bearbeitet von Erdbeer Wolf
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I completely agree with you, even the official description is not true at all... I think that nobody of this producers have ever collaborated with Gigi in the past.

Hoping next chapters will be much more qualitative, hopefully with real Gigi's "pupils" stuff like Mondello, Mr Dendo, Federico Romanzi, Luha Msm, DjDallas & Dido, Luigi Elettrico, DOS,  Les Project, Zeta Reticuli etc...

Bearbeitet von Marios7
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I think Bortolotti did an excellent job and all theres prodcucers from compilation are best independent LV producers at that point.

Overall this compilatiom sounds very well produced. 


  • Thanks 1
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