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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Psico Dance

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Bluestar:

Yeah.. now its interesting, in the facebook fan group many people are saying that they got the "trusted" information from Mondadori and similar music stores, that the disc won't come out anymore, at least definitely not in the summer.

"trusted information"... so trusted like all the info from the private conversations with Time Records? :lol:

After that I only believe what's written in public from Time or Gigi.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Sottosopra:

"trusted information"... so trusted like all the info from the private conversations with Time Records? :lol:

After that I only believe what's written in public from Time or Gigi.

Würde ich so unterschreiben. Dennoch gab es (offiziell) von beiden Seiten kein Aussagen zu einem Release in den letzten Monaten. Wenn die CD bereits mit Asin gelistet ist, wird sie mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit bald erscheinen. Egal ob 29.6 oder 06.07- dann müssten von beiden Seiten noch in dieser oder spätestens in der nächsten Woche Statements dazu kommen.

vor 8 Stunden schrieb Erdbeer Wolf:

Würde ich so unterschreiben. Dennoch gab es (offiziell) von beiden Seiten kein Aussagen zu einem Release in den letzten Monaten. Wenn die CD bereits mit Asin gelistet ist, wird sie mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit bald erscheinen. Egal ob 29.6 oder 06.07- dann müssten von beiden Seiten noch in dieser oder spätestens in der nächsten Woche Statements dazu kommen.

Was macht Dich so sicher, dass die Listung mit Asin ein Garant für das Erscheinen ist? Kannst Du mir den Zusammenhang erklären?

vor 41 Minuten schrieb Badzu:

Was macht Dich so sicher, dass die Listung mit Asin ein Garant für das Erscheinen ist? Kannst Du mir den Zusammenhang erklären?

Hey, keine Ahnung, reine Spekulation. Sorry ;-)


La Feltrinelli says 07/29 :-) I asked them why did it disappear (yesterday) from their catalog as well (as they just added it couple of days ago, just to have it removed soon after):



Ciao il cd esce il 29 luglio, al momento non è possibile prenotarlo, ti invito a monitorare il nostro catalogo online.
Buona giornata!




Me: - Ora non può essere trovato nel tuo negozio, cosa è successo? (06.20)



L'articolo esce il 29/07/18, quindi puoi verificare la disponibilità dal 29/07/18.
Buona serata 



Let's wait couple more weeks and we'll find out. 

I think the first release date would really be 06/29 but maybe Gigi has made some "last-minute" track modifications, or they may be waiting for more proper audition catch-up for the Dynoro & Gigi track, so it could mean more interest in an upcoming Gigi release if they wait one more month. But who knows, these are also just speculations :D

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

So what do you think would be the release date? We can rule out 06/29 for sure, its too close and every site brought the release down for now.

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

By the way, not sure if you remember but "Suono Libero" also appeared in July back in time, according to discogs on 24 Jul 2008.
So why would it be a bad choice :)

Bearbeitet von Bluestar

Well the 8 month delay should be handled as Gigi said his "to be released in following weeks" sentence too early :-) There were no other sign of release except of that (and that in the first time, Time also communicated what Gigi said). I guess he already regret that sentence quite a lot :-)


I don't want to be a game breaker...but a release on Sunday 29th is very strange...most likely the friday before July 29th, friday 27the of July. 

We will see the next few weeks, for now it seems we are close to the release :brav:

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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

One more page where Psico Dance just appeared on ^^

Release date: 06.07.2018


(they write the same release date Amazon did, before they "decided" to bring down the disc from their shop :D - check this post of mine)




Btw Gigi would definitely like this cute cow ^_^ :D



Bearbeitet von Bluestar
  • Haha 1
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 16 Minuten schrieb Bluestar:





Nice cover artwork! So beautiful! 

Now I understand why it's 6 months delayed.... work hard, paint hard...

Bearbeitet von Sottosopra
  • Haha 5

Ein lustiges Cover. Bin mal gespannt ob das stimmt das Album am 06.07  heraus kommt. Ist ja alles möglich bis jetzt gibt es ja noch keine Bestätigung von Gigi bzw. Time Records über das Veröffentlichungsdatum 


Ist das ein Spiel, oder?...


...yes, they playing games with us...feeling like a psico dance^^


So less then a week left and still no news. Seems like another release date delay for me. 

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