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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Psico Dance

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that with the 19.4. is an April Fool or Maldestra ???

I do not think that 7 versions of Lo Sbaglio on the album will be on it ???

  • Sad 1

it was a bad joke! First i believed it and got almost a heartattack, but soon i´ve seen someone wanted to fool me...

I´m waiting for a real new information about psico dance.


If it was a bad joke then why did it work?

vor 21 Minuten schrieb Badzu:

but soon i´ve seen someone wanted to fool me...

Yes, you specifically. Everybody else was just a bonus.

  • Haha 3
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

The Joke of "7 Lo Sbaglio versions" is an old one. Back when Gigi decided to add 2 to "Some Experiments" and then 2 to "Lento Violento ...e altre storie" and people got tired of that track.

Bearbeitet von hlennarz

Imho the whole month of April should be rulet out because a SERIOUS label would promote the release at least 2/3 week before the release date, and not making a surprise "tomorrow is out everywhere" in Gigi's style..... 

tomorrow it's 11th April and NOBODY from Time records has never officiliazed the release with a post or a tweet in their site nor social.... i'm pessimist right now, too much silence around even from Gigi himself!

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It's the same shit we've ben put through countless times. It's actually funny in a way, how much of a Joke Gigi has become.

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ancora niente su psico dance di gigi dag?
ci vuole tempo per le cose belle


still nothing about psycho dance by gigi dag?
- it takes time for beautiful things





So… maybe in 2050? :hmm:

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

again... chatting with Time records is totally useless, they are saying identical stuff since november 2017!

 i'm pissed off, f*** them, f*** gigi and f*** Psico Dance... after 6 months i'm upset with this kind of jokes... I won't buy it IF IT COME REALLY OUT! ;)

Bearbeitet von Sottosopra
I understand that you are upset, but please don't swear like this here.

Marios, I think Gigi already wrote a track dedicated for you:



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Am 13.4.2018 um 09:08 schrieb Bluestar:

Marios, I think Gigi already wrote a track dedicated for you:

(Lento Violento - Don't Buy Me)

This track would also be interesting if it appeared in digital stores too.

To buy or not to buy? :rofl:


Ich hoffe das mit der Compilation wird noch was?
Langsam zweifel ich auch daran, dass es noch was wird!
Es wäre so schön wenn ich mich irren würde!
Gigi hat doch zuerst gesagt Januar, dann hieß es April!
Der April ist fast vorbei und immer noch keine genauen Angaben, Neuigkeiten über die Compilation!
Viele in diesem Forum haben von Anfang an nicht an eine neue CD Compilation geklaubt! Ich habe schon dran geklaubt!!
Was ich sehr gut finde das Gigi über google play jetzt seine Lieder hoch lädt, kommt in Zukunft bestimmt auch wieder was, davon bin ich überzeugt das er noch einige Goldstücke auf google play hochlädt.........


I hope that with the compilation is still something?
Slowly, I also doubt that it will be something!
It would be so nice if I was wrong!
Gigi said first January, then it was April!
April is almost over and still no details, news about the compilation!
Many in this forum have not picked up on a new CD compilation right from the start! I already got it!
What I like very much that Gigi uploads his songs via google play, will definitely be back in the future, I am sure that he will upload some gold pieces on google play .........


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Gigi hat erst gesagt "Villeicht noch diesen Monat (Januar) aber ganz sicher Februar!" dann hieß es seitens TIME Records im März, dann April... :rofl:


Ich schätze es liegt an an den Verträgen bei Media Records. Laut Bortolotti sollten ja angeblich einige "neue Versionen alter Klassiker" auf der Psico Dance sein, und gerade von diesen liegen die Rechte nunmal bei Media Records. Da Bortolotti nicht so begeistert von Gigi's Wechsel zu Time war kann ich mir vorstellen, dass er die nicht so einfach übergeben will.


"Noch" nutzt Gigi #PsicoDance als Hashtag bei seinen Facebook-Posts...

Bearbeitet von hlennarz
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Ja, könnte mir auch vorstellen, dass es an dem Wechsel des Labels liegt und an Rechten/Vertragspflichten zu Media Records. Dann müssen neue Songs für eine CD produziert/gemastert werden und das kann etwas länger dauern, je nach dem um wie viele Songs es sich handelt. Vielleicht geht es auch um andere Rechte bzgl. einer Neuveröffentlichung Gigis und deswegen könnte das Ganze so lange ruhen bzw. auf Eis liegen. Wäre schön, wenn alle Parteien da ne gute Lösung/Kompromisse finden, für die Fans, die sehr darunter leiden würden, wenn da nix kommt. Bin aber nach wie vor optimistisch. Eben wie schon geschrieben, setzt Gigi noch immer Tags mit der #psicodance und Luca hat auf FB noch immer das Psico Dance Banner. Irgendwann müsste Gigi dann vielleicht auch offiziell als Partner/Artist bei Time Records mit eigenem Profil gelistet werden. Es sei denn, er möchte weiterhin unabhängig von anderen Labels bleiben, und es geht ihm erstmal nur um diese Veröffentlichung.

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April 24th maybe official announcement? This Torino live is very well advertised.


in 3 days? you are too optimistic guys!

 a release would be presented to everyone through social media, not to only few hundreds/thousands fan in gigs...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Something really got messed up at yesterday's live…


30 EUR ticket, Gigi has played only ~two hours, showed up at around @01.00am with a really huge delay (they said he is about to start at 22.00), they're saying it wasn't even two full hours for this buck, and at the end of the show Gigi came down from the console with the help of two supporter men.

@FB (original post):
He played but wasn't well for this he only did 2 hours
He descended from the console supported by two people and limping and walked limping.


Full of negative reviews from this event on Gigi's page… I guess this doesn't how he wanted to manage it at all… what could happen :S Another traffic accident?

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

If he really wasn't / isn't well, yet still decided to show up and do 2 hours of a live, I wouldn't complain but applaud him. Usually he just cancels his set like an hour before.


I read on Facebook he actually "fell"  from exhaustion at the console and then had to be escorted. That doesn't sound good... :sorry:

Bearbeitet von hlennarz
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  • Confused 1

I wonder if he is going to attend Friday's show in Austria or not... have a bad feeling about it.

Also I wonder if he's going to announce anything on his FB about this yesterday live or not.

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