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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Psico Dance

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Oooooh, heute kam ganz unerwartet meine Vorbestellung an, das Cover ist echt schick und psychedelisch geworden! :crazy: 
Scheinbar sollte man nicht allen Gerüchten im Internet vertrauen! ;)


Tja, wo stelle ich die denn nun bei mir hin...




ach ich leg sie einfach zu den anderen! :mrbighead: 


(Spaß beiseite, ich bin weiterhin optimistisch und denke, dass die Compi in einer der nächsten (47) Wochen dieses Jahres kommen wird. :daumenhoch: )

Bearbeitet von Sottosopra
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But at least now we know more info abou.. oh wait! We still don't know anything at all even though its almost February now!



Guess it doesn't have anything to do with Psico Dance, but still interesting. Too many cancelled lives



to be honest this liveset was never announced by Gigi on his site nor socials.

Btw i'm very disappointed because i was supposed to attend this night in Latina! :(

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Gigi Fan - Lesson Undeuxtrois: If the Live does not appear on his website, he is not coming. ;)

By the way, there are quite no Lives since the end of December, except one per month circa... could this be a good sign? :nachschlagen:

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Gianfranco Bortolloti tells something about Gigi's album on 1:05, hope someone can translate what he says - I think it might be interestiing for us.


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He says some interesting things about Gigi and Picotto in this interview :-) 

I cannot properly translate it all, just a few things which he talks about:

- after forcing this question for quite a while, he states that Gigi's musical skills must have been better than Picotto's
- he says when comparing their skills its enough to just go out to each of their live performances, and see the reaction of the crowd, that speaks for itself
- on the other hand he thinks Gigi's morality level is lower than feet level (lol a bit hard statement!) [he told that we ALWAYS have to separate the ARTIST from the PEOPLE itself, then told this hard statement]
- but it can be understood because he feels very well betrayed by Gigi (he uses this exact word), he feels left over, now that Gigi is about to release a new compilation with a new publisher, a "competitor" of Media Records, doing this after they've been previously working on it together for more than a year
- he also mentions an idea of a "book" about being in the dance music scene for more than 30 years (it would be about Gigi? or about himself? couldn't understand....)
- he told that the urban legend is true, "Bla Bla Bla" is entirely, he says "lets say 95%" done by Gigi only himself and noone else, it was already complete when he (Gigi) did show it to Bortolotti, only some really small arrangements were needed to let it be released (in another recent interview by Paolo Sandrini they were also talking about the same fact)
- he also told that "Psico Dance" (he doesn't says its name, only referring it as "his new compilation") is going to have some new songs which could be heard on Gigi lives
- and it is also going to contain new, "freshened" versions of some of his earlier tracks
- they have returned a multiple times on Gigi vs Picotto's skills (the radio host seem to have return again and again to this question), to which Bortolotti said, Gigi was always the more independent of them, he (Bortolotti) was only his "light", a "path" and a "friend", who puts Gigi in the right mood to be able to create; while regarding Picotto, he says he was only a DJ at first in the beginnings, and Bortolotti teached him all the stuff needed to know to be a real artist, and led him on the way to be better in it

Thats all I could understand (with the help of google, so feel free to correct!), a full and complete italian rescript would be pretty nice! :-)

(someone here talking Italian?)

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
typo, corrections
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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Very interesting. And it sucks he feels betrayed by Gigi. It seems like they really had a close friendship wich each other that's now broken apart... :sorry:

So many great tracks they collaborated on in the 90s... *sigh*

I mean we don't know what happened that lead Gigi to this decision. Maybe because MediaRec hasn't released any CD since their reboot and Gigi didn't want to have his release "digital only" ? Or because they could only release in limited Numbers ?

We can only assume...


I can say personally, that TIME records feels much more commercialised and "cheap" in their WEB presentation (like ZYX) than Media, wich feels much more professional.

However I can see why he puts Gigi in front of Picotto. Just listening to Picotto's "post-mediarec" releases is like a single monotone song that never ends & put on repeat.

Just uninspired and boring.


In short he says: Gigi is a great artist but a big asshole.


Very interesting about "Bla Bla Bla". There is a version that is only very slightly different (running slower, different effects) on the spanish Compilation "Los+Bailandos".

Maybe thats the original one ? :hmm:

Bearbeitet von hlennarz
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Yeah they're replying this exact sentence to everyone, as far as I've seen through shared posts.


Ich glaube es gibt keinen Grund zu allzu großem Pessimismus ;-) Gigi und Luca freuen sich bestimmt extremst auf die CD...und es sind nur noch wenige Tage :-) Vielleicht schon morgen...wer weiß? Und ziemlich sicher wird er auch dieses We tolle Songs auf seinem YouTube Kanal für uns hochladen ;-) Er hat schon lange nen Plan für dieses Album. Deswegen wird es auch kommen :-)

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

do you seriously believe that tomorrow Psico Dance could come out for real?! o.O

It's just impossible that a release is going to go on selling magically without zero official information about release date, format of the disc, tracklist, cover and a bit of marketing/promotion!

Don't believe to flying donkeys too much ;)

Bearbeitet von Marios7
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vor 6 Stunden schrieb Erdbeer Wolf:

"Ich glaube es gibt keinen Grund zu allzu großem Pessimismus ;-)"

Gigi und Luca freuen sich bestimmt extremst auf die CD...und es sind nur noch wenige Tage :-) Vielleicht schon morgen...wer weiß? Und ziemlich sicher wird er auch dieses We tolle Songs auf seinem YouTube Kanal für uns hochladen ;-) Er hat schon lange nen Plan für dieses Album. Deswegen wird es auch kommen :-)




vor 4 Stunden schrieb hlennarz:

Psico Dance won't come out. All the signs point against it once again.

Klares NEIN! Nicht alle Zeichen! Gab es bei den anderen Alben die nicht erschienen, 2 konkrete Ankündigungstrailer? Gab es eine Plattenfirma, die sich offiziell bekannt hat? Gab es einen Co-Produzenten, der auch publiziert hat, das es rauskommt?? Gab es konkrete Releasetermine seitens des Künstlers?


Hab ich eigentlich wat nich mitgekriecht? Warum werden die meisten Kommentare seit geraumer Zeit in englisch verfasst?

Bearbeitet von Sottosopra
Zitierfehler korrigiert zur besseren Lesbarkeit
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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Badzu:

Gab es bei den anderen Alben die nicht erschienen, 2 konkrete Ankündigungstrailer?

A lot of times, yes.

vor 3 Minuten schrieb Badzu:

Gab es eine Plattenfirma, die sich offiziell bekannt hat?

Previously everything was released on Noisemaker, which means more secrecy anyway.

vor 6 Minuten schrieb Badzu:

Gab es einen Co-Produzenten, der auch publiziert hat, das es rauskommt??

No matter how punctual and reliable Luca has been, when Gigi is involved that is not really an argument.

vor 8 Minuten schrieb Badzu:

Gab es konkrete Releasetermine seitens des Künstlers?

Yes. And also little more concrete details in some cases.


We all need to face it. There are no indications that anything is different this time.

We might have gotten some details about what songs might appear on the album through videos, but Gigi hadn't adopted Youtube back when we waited for Mondo Virtuale.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@ Badzu:

Es gibt einige englishsprachige Nutzer hier, denen man das ganze erleichtern will. ;)


Ich erinnere mich an die "Il Grande Viaggio Vol. 2". Damals hieß es so weit ich mich erinnere von Gigi in seinem Forum: "in 2 Wochen".

I remember the ""Il Grande Viaggio Vol. 2". Back in the day (2002 or 2003) Gigi told on his forums: "ready in 2 weeks !"


Bearbeitet von hlennarz
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 2 Stunden schrieb Marios7:

do you seriously believe that tomorrow Psico Dance could come out for real?! o.O

It's just impossible that a release is going to go on selling magically without zero official information about release date, format of the disc, tracklist, cover and a bit of marketing/promotion!

Don't believe to flying donkeys too much ;)

don't worry about me- I only believe in what i want to believe ;-)

I can understand all your pessimistic thoughts...

but I want to handle it differntly and not interpret too much negative in the time of waiting. We all got the chance to make it happen, still in every moment. And I'm happy either way...there are other things wich were much mor worse ;-) ...may be ;-) It's the decission of every one of you to believe in what you want. I decide to believe in the things i want to believe. I never said " I know thats gonna happen!" So...for me there is no problem ;-) May also for you not a problem...your decision.

@Badzu wir können ja hier auch auf deutsch schreiben ;-) Mein Englisch ist nicht das Beste ehrlich gesagt :D und es dauert viel länger, je länger das letzte Mal English her ist...bei mir ein paar Jahre. Aber ich find's gar nicht so schlecht...dann kann ich ab und zu bisschen Englisch trainieren um wieder besser rein zu kommen ;-) Danke dir, dass Du ein bisschen die positive Sichtweise hier stärkst und vielleicht auch lieber optimistisch in die Zukunft blickst diesbezüglich ;-) Viele sind eben aufgrund der vergangenen Nicht-Releases gefrustet- soweit schon machvollziehbar. Ich denke mir da nur so- wer in der Zukunft was anderes erleben will, darf vielleicht nicht zu sehr an der Vergangenheit hängen ;-) Ich lass mich immer viel lieber überraschen. Ist so auch viel spannender als wenn jede Erwartung gleich erfüllt wird :D Manchmal muss man einfach mal umdenken, mit welcher Einstellung man sich im Leben wohler fühlt. Ich hab ja nix gegen Leute die jetzt schon zweifeln und sauer sind...gar nicht. Das muss jeder selbst wissen. Ich hab mich nur entschieden es anders zu versuchen :-)

Bearbeitet von Erdbeer Wolf
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vor 32 Minuten schrieb DonHergeFan:

Gibt's eigentlich noch ein GFUler mit Zugang zum Casa Dag? Würde mich interessieren, was da so geschrieben wird.

Ich hab vor ein paar Wochen mal wieder versucht mich zu registrieren, aber obwohl ich sogar eine andere E-Mail-Adresse und andere IP benutzt habe als damals, wie ich 2mal gebannt wurde, kam bisher keine Bestätigung... bis auf den Herkunftsort hab ich auch keine Infos ins Profil geschrieben. Werden da überhaupt noch Registrierungen angenommen? Würde mich auch mal interessieren, ob da überhaupt noch was los ist oder ob der Banhammer immernoch großzügig geschwungen wird.


vor 4 Stunden schrieb DJ Maldestra:

We might have gotten some details about what songs might appear on the album through videos, but Gigi hadn't adopted Youtube back when we waited for Mondo Virtuale.

Of course, Gigi went on Youtube in 2010, remember when he put both "Ieri E Oggi" CDs onto his channel. The 2nd attempt for Mondo Reale was in 2011! At least it had a cover, what we can't say of Psico Dance... ;-)

vor 54 Minuten schrieb DJ Maldestra:

I think you are confusing pessimism with realism ;) 

You can think what you want ;-) I am also a very realistic person...so...it's got nothing to do with it. 

Just wait an see ;-)

Am 30/1/2018 um 16:46 schrieb Sottosopra:


By the way, there are quite no Lives since the end of December, except one per month circa... could this be a good sign? :nachschlagen:

this is the answer:



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Grazie M.B.A. e benvenuto al forum! 

So you are one of the non-blocked! :lachen: Can you tell us if there is ANY new or additional information for Psico Dance which Gigi has not written also on Facebook?

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