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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Psico Dance

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this is not about a fan rip compilation, this could be a little mistake by the record label.... that now has to speak for sure because january's ending and customers are going to be very impatient after 10 YEARS of any unmixed release from Gigi! :)


An der Tracklist ist nichts auszusetzen und sie ist äußerst realistisch.

Wird bestimmt im Laufe der Woche bestätigt.




da kann man gespannt sein ob diese Trackliste stimmt oder nicht, ob es eine andere Trackliste geben wird bleibt abzuwarten.


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Mein Eindruck, aus der ersten Euphorie heraus, ist nun etwas gespalten. Eigentlich durch so kleine Details- die Bezeichnung der Versionen hinter den Titeln "Bla bla bla (Gigi Live 2016) und

 Patrick Gilmore - When Johnny Comes Marching Home ['Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise Trip'] 

Die ja aus Vermutungen der Version-Namen von Gfu stammen. Wäre schon ein krasser Zufall, wenn da Gigi (oder andere Verantwortliche) genau die Gleiche Bezeichnung finden. Aber wie gesagt schön, das hier so viel diskutiert wird und sollte sich das tatsächlich als Fake rausstellen, war der Faker zumindest ziemlich kreativ :D


Bearbeitet von Erdbeer Wolf
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Das kann ich mir auch nicht vorstellen, dass das unter "Patrick Gilmore" veröffentlicht wird. "Der Hammer" kann auch einfach auf den hier zurückzuführen sein. Vielleicht gibt es da einen Remix oder es wurde ein Sample verwendet.

Aber schön, dass hier so viel spekuliert wird :dancingbear:

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Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

I think one mystery is solved, I did contact the original poster of the tracklist & image, here comes his answer:


Bearbeitet von Bluestar

Some news about mediaworld.it:

"MediaWorld told me that there is not yet an official date, but their suppliers are preparing for the disk promotion! They called me for an informal booking! They told me to call on Thursday, that day they might have more official news!" (source)

So maybe more info to come tomorrow...

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No way, this time it really has to be released.

Now we can only hope its not a mixed CD, and not a single disc one (that is my biggest actual fear)...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

sorry could you explain if this guy you chatted with has really created the time site image, and where this is image was posted for the first time (personally I saw it in this forum for the first time),  before or after he wrote the same tracklist on that fb group?

and now every post has been deleted from himself? it's seems too weird to me.

For the rest i don't trust unofficial information from mediaworld because they only sell cds and they aren't into distribution stuff (like Time or Self).

Bearbeitet von Marios7
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@Marios7: I shared the original source (which could be seen in a Facebook group called "Gigi D'Agostino Group Fans"), click here for my post, here you can find the link.

First he posted the cleaned-down tracklist (in text format) inside this facebook page under his own name, THEN ~exactly one day later after many comments came from multiple peoples, he also posted a picture with timerec.it site in the background.

Then some day back he deleted all of his posts regarding the tracklist.

Its your own right to not trust unofficial informations too much (i actually don't really trust them either), but its still something, maybe these sites are going to be the one having a cover image, or initial price, anything after all - even before timerec would announce it officially on their page. It can easily happen.

( It did happen in the past some times - e.g. MediaRecords wasn't really announcing anything on their site at all, except in newsletters, back in the good ol' days :-) )

Bearbeitet von Bluestar

ok, I can't find the original IMAGE post, but if you are sure that it was uploaded by the same guy then he's the stupid one that has lost time to create this mess, btw we could only wait the official news impatiently! :)

vor 2 Stunden schrieb Bluestar:

No way, this time it really has to be released.

Now we can only hope its not a mixed CD, and not a single disc one (that is my biggest actual fear)...


I wouldn't mind a single CD with good tracks, as long as its unmixed or we get an "unmixed" web version like many other artists do.

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Yeah, a single unmixed CD would work well for me too, wouldn't be that much disapponted in this way. :-) But no more mixes please, at least not this time after so many years.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

If Psico Dance would be a mixed compilation, Gigi'd mentioned in promo "Compilation mixata", I think.

Bearbeitet von kazin
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vor einer Stunde schrieb kazin:

If Psico Dance would be a mixed compilation, Gigi'd mentioned in promo "Compilation mixata", I think.

When did he say that?
That's a bummer :( 


I mean when Gigi announced Ieri e Oggi Mix he writes "Compilation mixata" on his forum.

So, I think if Psico Dance was a mixed compilation, Gigi writes or says this anywhere - but he didn't.


Ich glaube jetzt einfach mal ganz naiv, das die Info von mediaworld.it stimmt und wir morgen neue Infos bekommen. Und wenn nich, auch egal. Jeder Tag der vergeht bringt uns einen Tag näher an das Release-Date. Was für eine komfortable Situation! Und alle Spekulationen sind das Sahnehäubchen auf der Vorfreudetorte. :)


Übrigens: Mir persönlich ist es ziemlich egal, ob es eine Mixed-CD wird, oder Einzeltracks, oder 2 CD´s oder eine. Die Ieri e Oggi Mix CDs fand ich super, speziell die erste. Gerne wieder sowas. Aber ich nehme auch ne fette Doppel-CD mit Einzeltracks. Immer her damit!

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
5 hours ago, kazin said:

If Psico Dance would be a mixed compilation, Gigi'd mentioned in promo "Compilation mixata", I think.

Thats also what I think, however if we look at other forum topics like "Benessere" it is mentioned nowhere, yet it was mixed as well.

One thing is for sure, I just can't believe that Gigi still is not aware of the EXACT release date of the disc, its just unreal :-) I think probably he should already know it, and he's just waiting  until he'd tell us, or dunno. Such a thing doesn't really exists that he is still not notified by the record company about the release date of his own disc, even though we're maybe just a single week +- couple days before the actual release...

Some examples:

                            announcement      |  release date

Benessere.......:   2004.10.22 .         |  2004.11.26.
Ieri e Oggi 1.... :   2010.05.06.          |  2010.06.01.
Psico Dance... :   2017.12.17.          |  2018.??.??.

(feel free to find other announcements, I was only able to find these two in hurry)

So we can say that in most cases at least a WHOLE MONTH before the actual release he already knew the exact release date, now three scenario works:
- either he really still doesn't know the date (maybe Time Records communication is not that good / some technical issues are making it harder to release / other issues)
- he keeps it as a secret (for no reason, why would it be good for him lol, not even a good marketing strategy)
- or we still have to wait some more weeks, because it won't come in the start of February at last, as Gigi stated previously


Bearbeitet von Bluestar
vor einer Stunde schrieb Bluestar:

So we can say that in most cases at least a WHOLE MONTH before the actual release he already knew the exact release date, now two scenario works:

- either he really still doesn't know the date (maybe Time Records communication is not that good / some technical issues are making it harder to release / other issues)
- he keeps it as a secret (for no reason, why would it be good for him lol, not even a good marketing strategy)
- or we still have to wait some more weeks, because it won't come in the start of February at last, as Gigi stated previously


You forgot the most likely:

- Gigi: "Oh, I don't want to release anything anyway. Should I inform my fans? Nah!"

  • Haha 1

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