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Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise - Psico Dance

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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Bluestar:

The original post from Gigi: click here

Also from Gigi (announcing its a physical compilation, and also available as digital download): click here

Sehr schön! Danke Bluestar und Sottosopra

Bearbeitet von Badzu
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Geile news!!!

Ich hoffe auf viele songs mit vocals und Melodie!!!

Ich bin mir ganz sicher das die CD erscheinen wird auf Time Records!!! ;-)

Bearbeitet von Schlonte



If you guys have any advice on the missing/false words, feel free to correct! :)

Btw what songs would you like to hear on Psico Dance / which ones do you think will be released?

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According to credits from SIAE.it, i think there will be these tracks released 99%: 









All these tracks has are new on SIAE and have similar ISWC number. 

I've searched by "Luca Martire", btw. 

If someone will be able to filter all Gigi's tracks - please, write your findings and tell me how you perform the search (I'm just can't do it).

Bearbeitet von kazin
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 I was also thinking about checking SIAE, but couldn't find the public search site :D Thanks @kazin!

Btw I don't really think that the above ones would be released on this disc, I have a totally another tracklist in my mind - given that the title is "Psico" dance, I guess Gigi & Luca are trying to hit the market now with their conception / re-interpretation of the "psy-trance" (psicodance) World. They've created a lot of tracks nowadays in this style, and Gigi submitted numerous tracks to youtube which we could say are written in this so-called "psy" style:

( btw this is what I call typical psy-style atm )


So my expected tracklist for the given disc title would look like the below:

- Hypno Dag (wander in rounder 32 v2) [old version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkxhCpMa8gg]  ?
- Greensleeves (even though its a remix, but don't forget that Gigi released his first hit album LT1 with a lot of "remixes"/covers)
- Bla Bla Bla (Psico Style Remix)
- Italian march (po, popo, popopopopopo popo popo) [dunno its title :D]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyyxYha4j6o&t=3m22s
Patrick Gilmore - When Johnny Comes Marching Home ['Gigi D'Agostino & Luca Noise Trip'] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNeIBJriwp8&t=20s
- Gigi's Time (new, faster & harder edit)
- Holes in the sky: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L5a3Qt7cvg&t=8m
- ? ? ? (Karimarim) / "hymn nana" / "rinnarinna radnene" (psico style): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L5a3Qt7cvg&t=6m59s
- Mercatino v2 (new edit)
- Quello che fai?
- some Luca-style new, never-heard tracks (which we can possibly hear in the intro of the Psico Dance video)


Really-really hope its going to be unmixed, 2 CD compilation... even though the above list would easily fit on a single CD as well :D

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
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@0.52 Gigi says:
"della prossima settimana psico dance, e' una compilation"

Translation (is this correct guys?):
"next week psico dance, the compilation"


So its coming already next week??


Bearbeitet von Bluestar
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"...alla prossima settimana...." Also nächste Woche, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe :-)

Ich glaube, ich lasse mich da wie früher (bis 2009) einfach überraschen was so alles drauf ist. Und höre mir dann erst die fertige CD an und vorher keine weiteren Previews :-)

Entscheidend bei einer Wunschtracklist ist für mich natürlich die Art der Veröffentlichung. Wenn es mixt ist, dann geht da für mich alles, was da so rein passt. Ansonsten würde ich mir ganz viele "neue" wirklich unbekannte Tracks wünschen. Von den bekannteren ist "Always?" natürlich ein absolutes Muss. Außerdem:

"Gigi's Time"



"Quello che fai"

"The Enemy"



"Get Lucky" (Remix)

"Buena Onda"

"Wander in rounder 32"

"Verrückt nach dir" (Remix)

"Cant live without you"


"Satisfy girl" (Remix)

"Knights of Cydonia" (Remix)

Song aus "Megamix 2016 Part 2 (Dance)" ab Minute 05:16

"Unico Momento"

...ein paar neue Songs dazu...außerdem was von Luca :-)






@hlennarz: Strongly doubt it, however it was a huge favourite of mine too. I don't think thats ever gonna be released. :-)

vor 47 Minuten schrieb Erdbeer Wolf:

"Gigi's Time"

Hoffentlich die Version von Facebook! Die klingt schon auch so Psico :rofl:


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@Phil: I'm hoping not for this version, but theres a point in what you say :D It just sounds too "harsh" for me...

I'd rather prefer not the original, but the faster & bit harder version:


Bearbeitet von Bluestar
vor 6 Minuten schrieb Phil:

Hoffentlich die Version von Facebook! Die klingt schon auch so Psico :rofl:


Ja, ich denke die Version wird mit drauf sein. Wobei ich das Original auch so liebe...wie es ist... Aber ich glaube er hat ein Händchen für diesen Song und trifft den gut, egal in welcher Version. Also ich mochte bis jetzt alle 3? Versionen davon :-)

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Btw to me it still is crazy that within ONE WEEK there is going to be a new Gigi disc, and theres still
- no cover image
- no tracklist
- no official announcement from Time Records (except of the one in last year's December, the one and only facebook post) - maybe tomorrow?
- no info about 1 or 2 CD, mixed or non-mixed
- no catalogue number, its not on ebay, not on any italian CD store, can be found nowhere except Gigi's mentions, and these GFU/IDP topics :-) 

In the past it haven't been like this... so strange to me... Gigi D'Agostino's Strange World :-D

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
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Wäre ja schon Geil wenn nächste Woche schon die CD erscheinen würde, bin schon gespannt was darauf sein wird und wie das Cover der CD aussehen wird.

vor 5 Stunden schrieb Bluestar:

@0.52 Gigi says:
"della prossima settimana psico dance, e' una compilation"

Translation (is this correct guys?):
"next week psico dance, the compilation"


So its coming already next week??


"nella prossima settimana uscirà-à-à-à Psico Dance"

So yes, this means next week! :D

But... next week seen from sunday (upload date) or from monday? The next week seen from sunday would be THIS week... :lachen: ... ok, let's be realistic :brav: release date between 22nd and 28th january!

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Next week from sunday is this week, punto! :D It should be released by the end of this week.

Still no info :rofl: Maybe we should notify Time about Gigi's announcement that they better hurry up and release it asap? x')


Maybe the download-version will be released first and the CD a few weeks later, we will see.

Would be a nice suprise to have the release by the end of next week. :blume:

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


I just asked Time Records, and they told me the following about the release date, if its coming this week or not:
"come dice il capitano "nelle prossime settimane ... "

Now the question - I (and most Italian fans) hear the following:

prossima settimana

What Time Records says it is in fact:

prossime settimane
(which means in the next few weeks - which would btw make sense according to Gigi's first post about the release coming end of month/beginning of February)


Click and listen which one it is! :D


e vs a   -  this is the question! :-))

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
  • Thanks 1
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)
vor 3 Stunden schrieb Bluestar:

e vs a   -  this is the question! :-))

Time Records is right... after listening a bit carefullier now, I can clearly hear the E

If attachment doesn't work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nnxmwcsk9rarf6t/psicotanz.mp3?dl=0

So the exact date/week is again unclear!

Bearbeitet von Sottosopra
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vor 4 Stunden schrieb Bluestar:

il capitano

So this is his official title :lachen1:

We've been waiting for so long now... one week more or less doesn't matter (at least to me :blume:).

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Ich verkürze mir die Wartezeit mit den alten Scheiben. Auch die von Luca. Steh grad voll auf "Way of life vol. 1". Sehr geile Traxx mit ordentlich Druck.


They say they're already delivering it in some special countries :hmm:




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