hlennarz Geschrieben 31. Dezember 2016 Geschrieben 31. Dezember 2016 (bearbeitet) Zitat It turns out there is a female vocalist after all. Want a hint as to who it is? She's the vocalist in the Boogie Pimps song somebody to love, the Royal Gigolos Self-Control and Lazard's Living on Video. It's Ms. Mariah Webster, a 1976 born Danish singer who recorded the original female vocals in 1995 after her friend Eric passed away in a plane crash, he was a pilot. Her voice was distorted and Carlos Montagner and Gigi D'Agostino came up with the voice distortion story at her request, because back then when Gigi found her song, he liked it so much, but Mariah didn't want it getting out there who she was or what the song was about. I didn't find this out until April when I chatted with the woman ehrself and heard the original recording. Vocals match exactly, save for Mariah sang them in an E key rather than D, and she sang them slower and no funny distortions. At the end you hear her say "i love you eric, I miss you." That's the real story of the female vocals in this song. Mariah is working on getting it out there that she did those vocals, something that I bet Gigi's been waiting for for 16 years now. Gerade aus einem Youtube Kommentar entnommen. Als antwort darauf ein weiterer Kommentar: Zitat Ok, I have listened to both of the remixes in the comments below. I'll comment on that later though. I tried my hardest to distinguish if there were two vocalists right here in this particular mix. I really think this acapella mix and the Gigi D'Agostino bla bla bla remix included both a man AND a woman. The woman's voice was heavily produced. There was some delay used and some double tracking used but the most noticeable thing was the heavy chorus effect on the voice. That's how you hear the harmony effect. I am not sure who that woman was though. However, the man's voice was just done with delay. The man's voice was not touched up much at all in the mix. But yeah, it was a man AND a woman. If I am wrong then I would be quite surprised. Those voices you heard in the two remixes listed below ('L'Amour Toujours (Forte Forte)'' or ''L'Amour Toujours (infinite Prospettive Mix)'' were definitely only a man though. However, not so in the bla bla bla remix and this acapella mix. Sehr abenteuerlich, fast schon zu abenteuerlich um erfunden zu sein ? Bearbeitet 31. Dezember 2016 von hlennarz 1
DonHergeFan Geschrieben 2. Januar 2017 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2017 Mariah is working on getting it out there that she did those vocals Dann bin ich ja mal gespannt. Bisher fällt es schwer, davon etwas zu glauben, da keine Quellen vorliegen.
intro111 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2017 Geschrieben 2. Januar 2017 in der Tat ... sehr abenteuerlich ... ... ich weiß noch, wie vor 10 Jahren einer in der Berufschule noch gesagt hat, dass der eigentliche Female-Part eigentlich von einem Mann eingesungen, und mit dem Computer manipuliert worden ist, damit eine Frauenstimme dabei herauskommt. Wäre gut möglich gewesen, da dieser Part sehr "produziert" geklungen hat. Hmm...
hlennarz Geschrieben 11. Januar 2017 Autor Geschrieben 11. Januar 2017 Auf jedenfalls würde "I'll Fly With You" eine ganz andere bedeutung bekommen in dem Zusammenhang.
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