Desper-D Geschrieben 24. Juli 2022 Geschrieben 24. Juli 2022 Am 4.10.2015 um 22:34 schrieb kazin: On Stefano Di Carlo official SoundCloud 19 tracks (at that moment) are for free download! I am looking for this tracks. Does anybody has it?
Desper-D Geschrieben 24. Juli 2022 Geschrieben 24. Juli 2022 You can find some other Stefano's tracks at BandCamp. Links below: All tracks are possible to buy. This one is my favorite one: 2
Schlonte Geschrieben 25. Juli 2022 Geschrieben 25. Juli 2022 I love Stefano's music! I can dream to his music
ShadowMP Geschrieben 2. August 2023 Geschrieben 2. August 2023 Falls es der eine oder andere noch nicht entdeckt hat - eine kleine, feine musikalische Perle von Stefano Di Carlo: ❤️ 2
Desper-D Geschrieben 3. August 2023 Geschrieben 3. August 2023 (bearbeitet) Stefano Di Carlo Remember my I guess I heard something similar to this on some Gigi's webmixes. Bearbeitet 5. August 2023 von Desper-D 1
Desper-D Geschrieben 5. August 2023 Geschrieben 5. August 2023 This one reminds me "Tanzeria" Amore Cosmico Stefano Di Carlo 1
vaki Geschrieben 31. Oktober 2023 Geschrieben 31. Oktober 2023
Sottosopra Geschrieben 31. Oktober 2023 Geschrieben 31. Oktober 2023 vor 9 Stunden schrieb vaki: This is BS... yes, Di Carlo made some pre-versions of some tracks like Pioggia E Sole, Risveglio etc., which we can hear on Youtube... but the versions released by Gigi are on an other level of production. I don't think that Di Carlo alone could make these Gigi tracks in the way, in which we know them. His own tracks sound more simple and rough... What's the purpose of this video, I don't get it? His name was mentioned in the credits, so it's not a secret, that he worked with him on some tracks. 6
Desper-D Geschrieben 31. Oktober 2023 Geschrieben 31. Oktober 2023 (bearbeitet) At the beginning you are right. Di Carlo appeared at credits. Also Mondello in Some eXperiments. But later... None of them. Even if they were authors of the songs. Pioggia e Sole in Suono Libero... I don't remember Di Carlo surname in credits, but I remember Mindsjourney in Il Trip Del Vagabondo, even if this track was written and produced entirely by Mr Dendo. Modem by Romanzi? The same story. So yes, Gigi is businessman and he rules copyright from a mogul position. Bearbeitet 31. Oktober 2023 von Desper-D
vaki Geschrieben 1. November 2023 Geschrieben 1. November 2023 I think these are only half truths. Gigi was involved with many producers. They gave him demos, but he also added his skills to the finished songs. I can't believe that Gigi would just buy songs. It is interesting, however, that many songs were released with only Gigi as the author, when we know who else were co-authors. What was the need for this? And this may be the reason for the conflict with many of his older co-authors. In the case of Stefano, there are about 20 songs whose authors are not listed on the CDs. Example : Bisogna Lavorare, Distorsione Dag … There were about 100 comments under the TikTok video and someone wrote that Mauro Picotto's songs were also written by others and compared him to Gigi. It's funny to think, since Mauro was an author or producer on at least 1000 vinyl releases... If he's not a good musician, who in the world is? 😂 2
Schlonte Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2024 Geschrieben 13. Dezember 2024 (bearbeitet) Pure Rose (piano Version) Sailing Der Song erinnert mich an Track 11 CD1 des Suono Libero Album!!! Bearbeitet 13. Dezember 2024 von Schlonte
Desper-D Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2024 Geschrieben 25. Dezember 2024 1
Schlonte Geschrieben 17. Januar Geschrieben 17. Januar Ende Januar erscheint auf Bandcamp ein neues Album von Stefano Di Carlo Names Running Planets. 😉 1
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