Bluestar Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 (bearbeitet) Official Fanpage: - removed online againGigi's FB profile: http://www.facebook..../#!/ggdagostino - removed online againI can't understand what has happened.... i'm kinda shocked. Could someone please translate (to English too) what Gigi has said about this a couple of minutes ago @ CasaDag?Gigi D'Agostino ha scritto:mi hanno rimosso la pagina personale e anche quella fan...perchč da loro ritenute fake.tutto bene quindi...e a casa come va...?il lavoro...?ma sě... basta la salute...e stikazzi.Source: Bearbeitet 3. Mai 2012 von Bluestar
hlennarz Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 (bearbeitet) He has removed his Facebook page, because people believed it to be fake.Not really a big lost actually, since it was pretty much just used to post his tour dates. Bearbeitet 5. April 2012 von hlennarz
Mattl Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 oha....gibt es jetzt eine Stellungnahme in der casadag ?Ist mir gestern Abend aufgefallen, das alles offline ist.....schade....
Bluestar Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Autor Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Ooh, thank you for the explanation, hlennarz! So it may happened because of the "cow" cover on the top, i guess... first i thought that Facebook has deleted the page, and not Gigi. But it seems it was himself, right... ? Maybe because of a Facebook notice?However actually it is a big loss imo, since every single artist / producer / dj has a Facebook, even most of my friend's pets have one, lol... sad thing or not, in today's world its a "must have", especially for "celebrities" / famous persons - its an important communication channel, plus a sign of "hey, im there in the scene too, i'm alive and active"... a lots of people already think that Gigi is "retired", since he never really cares about the media and things, and doesn't releases discs / singles so often - now he just became more invisible... hope it will be back..
Zwergal Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 i dont think that it is a "must have".he decided that he wont be longer on facebook. its everybodys choice... some celebrities are on twitter and not on facebook or backwards. also ashton kutcher has deleted his page.but there is his forum and his homepage where everybody can read his tourdates and all details that he want to share with his fans. i think thats enouth or not?and if somebody think that he is "retired" should read his tourdates... i dont think, that anyone could say that he is "retired"!some days he plays 4-5 times in one week. and if you think that he has to drive lots of hours to get to the stage and produce some songs in the meantime, i would say that he work more than everybody of us does.thats my opinion.
Erdbeer Wolf Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Also ich finds gut. Ich bin seit zwei Monaten auch nicht mehr bei facebook. Er hat vielleicht auch das Gefühl sich immer drum kümmern zu müssen und sich erklären zu müssen- und wenn er es nicht tut entstehen Missverständnisse- so ist es schon besser. Schließlich gibt es die Casa Dag um wichtige Dinge mitzuteilen an die Fans.
Bluestar Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Autor Geschrieben 5. April 2012 (bearbeitet) Zwergal, partially i agree with you, but CasaDag is a single thing... it's an almost totally closed little community, not an open system. Its like another universe - and i don't say its bad at all, all i say is just the official forum is not really for the whole world, its just for real fans... plus the Facebook is multilingual (with fans from the whole world), while the forum isn't really - the most active users are all from Italy there.For example, on FB we could also see some new live pictures from Gigi's tours, posted by others... on CasaDag you won't find any, since such content is totally banned. It was an internation clip between the fans...Every single artist i know can be found on Facebook, and they often post little notes like "going to the studio... see ya!" or "mhh, i feel like its time to create a remix of XY track", etc... and i know that Gigi is not this kind of person (would be good, though...), but it was nice to see that at least he's using Facebook as well, even if mainly for posting tourdates...and if somebody think that he is "retired" should read his tourdatesYeah, and what can he / she do with these dates, if the person lives 1k-2k miles from Italy, or more.. ? :) One can't simply go to every single tour - i know a lot of person who can't even afford a single live, since it would be too expensive for them... so for them Gigi is kinda "retired" from the music scene (as well as for the rest of the world), since he doesn't releases anything that could be heard by the whole world (including them)... only by italians, mainly.So i say, it is a backward step from Gigi... back in time i was hoping that maybe in the future he will use Facebook / Twitter more often, even to tell us little special notes like the above, but it seems the truth is something totally else, and all we got is CasaDag, Gigi doesn't exists for the rest of the world on other channels... Bearbeitet 5. April 2012 von Bluestar
Erdbeer Wolf Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 (bearbeitet) He may also feel the need to care more about themselves and have to explain-and if he fails to do so leads to misunderstandings,so it's better.Finally there is the Casa Dag communicate matters of importance to the fans.It isnt a backward step from Gigi- it is only his decision. Nobody needs to be on facebook! I dont like facebook too.Gigi is like he is, nobody can change that. Just as no one can change you.You can only change yourself if you want. He is an artist. Maybe he just wont be so personal. On the other hand, he wants to be understood with his art-its not easy. Bearbeitet 5. April 2012 von Erdbeer Wolf
belina Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 (bearbeitet) Gigi oder wer auch immer hat mich ja letztes Jahr nach baden von der Fb freundesliste gekickt- also hab ich es gar nicht so mitbekommen.Aber ich denke er/sie hat/haben nur einen fbkoller- das gibt sich bestimmt wiederWie sagt man so schön: ein gescheider Mensch ändert seine Meinung- ein Idiot nie :) Bearbeitet 5. April 2012 von belina
Sottosopra Geschrieben 5. April 2012 Geschrieben 5. April 2012 (bearbeitet) but there is his forum and his homepage where everybody can read his tourdates and all details that he want to share with his fans. i think thats enouth or not?Na das sag mal den Gebannten... Ort und Zeit sieht man zwar, aber so ganz ohne Details gehts ja auch nicht. Bearbeitet 5. April 2012 von Sottosopra
Erdbeer Wolf Geschrieben 6. April 2012 Geschrieben 6. April 2012 ...GFU ist denke ich auch ne ganz gute Informationsquelle:-) Wünsche euch allen ein paar schöne und ruhige Feiertage!
Zwergal Geschrieben 8. April 2012 Geschrieben 8. April 2012 i got the infos for years only from the homepage because i was too stupid to check that there is a forum ;)click on "T" an you got the "T"our Dates and you also here some kind of music from him (i like that very much!)and also if you dont register (or you are blocked...) on the forum you can see on the first page all dates in the few days.and if you see... he doesnt play only in Italy. Sure it is easier to play there, the way is at most not so fare (i dont speak from sicily, roma etc.).but my opinion is that he wont loose fans only of the action that he isnt longer on FB or Twitter.but how mattl said.... gfu-community is also a very good forum to inform yourself about news, like a new cd, or as i said: the tour dates and many other times...but also belina is right: he isnt a idiot, so maybe he change his opinion, it wont be the first time :)
belina Geschrieben 10. April 2012 Geschrieben 10. April 2012 (bearbeitet) Das mit dem Fake- da sieht er mal wie fein. Sollte er nur mal mitbekommen, was man sich hier in at auf lives so anhören kann.,. BlablaFrag mich nur, was die Leute Glauben- wer er ist- welch ach so große Nummer- das es nen Fake braucht.Also das auf Fb hät er schon aushalten können. Dämlicher Grund in meinen Augen.Aber wie gesagt- er is ja kein Dummer Mensch, von daher...Und ich find cadadag das Forum schon wichtig- für komplette 100% Infos. Da reicht mir persönlich Gfu oder die Homepage nicht. Bearbeitet 10. April 2012 von belina
Janni07 Geschrieben 11. April 2012 Geschrieben 11. April 2012 Der Herr Dag is doch wieder mit seinem alten Profil online 2
belina Geschrieben 12. April 2012 Geschrieben 12. April 2012 (bearbeitet) Oh das war ja mal ein kurzer Koller ;) Fein, dass er wieder back ist...Wer weiß, vielleicht werden wir auch irgendwann mal wieder Freunde :DEdit: achhhhhhh wie süssssssss, ich mag die Kühe- erinnert mich an Heimat!!!Und ihre Glöckchen um den Hals an das (nicht) live auf der saiser Alm- was einer der besten Tage in meinem leben war.... Bearbeitet 12. April 2012 von belina
Bluestar Geschrieben 12. April 2012 Autor Geschrieben 12. April 2012 (bearbeitet) Great news, i hope the fanpage will be back as well! Edit: It's also available from yesterday. Bearbeitet 3. Mai 2012 von Bluestar
Erdbeer Wolf Geschrieben 26. Juli 2012 Geschrieben 26. Juli 2012 Mir ist eben aufgefallen das die Facebook- Seite von Casa DAG kein aktuelles Bild mehr hat- bisher war doch das Mondo Reale- Cover da zu sehen^^ Weiß jemand ob das schon länger so ist? Oder wird das möglicherweise gerade geändert?
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