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Pando(lfi ) feat. Diana J - The Circle Of Love - TIPP !


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Sehr sehr schöner Titel !

Super DANCE von Pandolfi. Mir gefällt allerdings nur der CLUB MIX.


Same here, the Club mix is the best version, the only bad thing i can say about it, that it's a bit short.

But i dont mind, this track is a masterpiece in every way...


(is it totally sure that Pando = Angelo Pandolfi? this is absolutely not his style... :hmm:

plus in addition, one of Pando's discogs-releases: http://www.discogs.com/Incipit-Boogie-Tech/release/259364 - "M. Pandolfini" vs "A. Pandolfi" (Angelo)... or Angelo Pandolfi isn't his full name?)


(needs some correction)

My... life...

is... like...

a river flowing,

back to the start...

...so I become,

once again your child,

and we turn our dreamin'

jumpin' to the river...

Let yourself free,

then come to me,


I feel your power,

you'll never be the sign[?]

jumpin' to the [?]

[... ? (it's me) ? ...]

[... ? ( ..... ) ? ...]


I love you so,

it's [?] to see you

when you lose control...

When you will find,

a lil' on your mind...

Don't be afraid,

sometimes you lose

something to cannot change

what you are,

whatever you belong (belong)

And you'll find me there,

where river shine,

and you [?]











((( the lyrics's 2nd paragraph is so actual for everyone who knows a bit more about her private / family life ... ... :cry: )))

Bearbeitet von Bluestar
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