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Peppe Raudino - Susy La Ragazza Truzza

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tunz tunz tunz :liebe:

was is das jetzt wieder? emo? krocher? truzza? :wiegeil: :D

truzzo/a is the boy/girl that listens house, wears branded clothes, and stays fashionable...living only for disco and fashion clubs.

This girl talks about how she became "truzza" XD in italy it's a cult video, because it's very very stupid XD some dj producers remixed her voice..there are several remixes.. the best are the one which I posted and an house song that I saw already posted in this forum... truzza - sono una truzza

truzzo/a is the boy/girl that listens house, wears branded clothes, and stays fashionable...living only for disco and fashion clubs.

Nice remix... :wiegeil:

In Germany/Austria they are called "Krocha" or "Styler"... ;)

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