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Diana - This Night With You


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Neue ITALO DANCE-Produktion vom spanischen Hit Team mit gutem Instrumentalteil, auch wenn die Stimme etwas piepsig ist.

Besser gefällt mir aber noch MY DESIRE.

Insgesamt zwei neue schöne Songs !



  • 2 Monate später...

Achtung !

Nach Angaben der Sängerin IST DIE SINGLE NICHT LEGAL !

Sie möchte daher, dass wir die Scheibe nicht kaufen.

JLUIS DJ soll ihr kein Geld bezahlt haben.

Sie singt auch auf I NEED YOU und hat für den Song keine Erlaubnis gegeben und dennoch wurde der Titel veröffentlicht.

Ich schreibe mal JLUIS DJ an und frage nach.



Hi everybody,

i'm here for let clear about this song.

First of all.. the only author of this song are Cristian Lavino, Juan Martinez and me, Diana takes place only singing it.

About the money part.. there was a dial...and it wasnt a misunderstanding.. coz this deal has been spoken really a lot of time.

From a lot of possibility ( featuring name, % selling and not name, or name only ) she choosed to put her name on this song, cause

the only thing she cared was her name .

In the deal there was too an instrumental version for her , that for let she doing his show if she wanted to...

But then .. after the release of this song.. she wanted to change it.. now.. i know is easy think about a misunderstanding before.. but..jeje..

there wasnt misunderstanding. Only she wanted change it.

Anyway, please , erase this "illegal" word on this post, cause this song is completely legal.. obviously if it wasnt ...it would not been in release.

I will see about this defamating post in myspace.

Have a great day.



Thanks a lot for explaining the whole story about this " misunderstandings ".

I erased the word " illegal ".

Please go on with your wonderful italo dance music, we like it a lot here on this chatboard.


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