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Lamp - I Wanna Be Your Gift ( Remix )


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hello ,

i tell you that a song very melodic in perfect italo style in two weeks

is ready :

REMIX Lamp "I wanna be your gift"

this song in original version had very incredible votation in all forums,

we hope you like also remix.....

we will put a part of song


  • 2 Monate später...

Hi Cristiano,

I was just working on a cut-version, sorry for the delay........I was too late......

To the remix:

VERY GOOD - I think this is the best remix of all your songs so far.


Hi Cristiano,

I was just working on a cut-version, sorry for the delay........I was too late......

To the remix:

VERY GOOD - I think this is the best remix of all your songs so far.


THANKS....VERY HAPPY..... :wiegeil:

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