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The Ghost Project - Over ( Fantastisch ! )


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Hier noch ein kleiner Nachtrag:

Die Produzenten dieses Songs arbeiten zur Zeit mit DATURA an einem neuen Projekt.

Ich tippe mal darauf, dass das die neue DATURA-Single im Herbst werden wird.

Hier noch eine Hardcore-Version von OVER:


Den Titel wird es nur als CD-Single geben, nicht als Download.


Hmmm... bad news... that means the new Datura single REALLY will be in the 90s style...

And that second version isn't hardcore... also in the 90s this wasn't hardcore...

Hmmm... bad news... that means the new Datura single REALLY will be in the 90s style...

I know you don't like italo 90s songs very much but maybe it will sound like the remix of STEFY NRG's It's a Fable.

I think the DATURA Remix was very great - and in the 90s style.


Well, that's what I thought at first (the Datura remix of It's A Fable was 00s style even if they said it was 90s style). But I'm afraid this time it will be real 90s style when you say they work together with the producers of the song in this topic...

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