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Jamelia- Something About You


Empfohlene Beiträge


auch ein song der schon einige tage auf dem buckel hat...

dennoch ein super song...

die mello am anfang einfach nur schön...



Jamelia: Something About You

I could talk to you for days

You make me laugh on thousand ways

Jamelia Now I realise ( you fill me up )

Like hot water ( in my tea cup )

Something I'm enchanted by your smile

I must admit it took a while

About For me to see that ( this was something )

More than ( he's my friend, it's nothing )


I hope to God you feel the way I feel

Cause this could be amazing

Songtexte Something so super real

There's something about you and you don't even know it

Songtext I'm telling you now that you got me good

There's something about you and I can't help but show it

Lyrics Damn right, you got me good

Now I'm not alone with you I'm whole

Lyric I gotta let you know you got me good

Your style, your voice, your points of view

Liedertexte The good, the bad and ugly too

Boy I'll take it (give it to me)

Liedertext I'll be careful (give it to me)

Addiction don't come close to this

Alle Official is what this sh** is

Still I can't say it

Jamelia No I can't say ( that I'm in love )

I hope to God you feel the way I feel

Something Cause this could be amazing

Something so super real

There's something about you and you don't even know it

About I'm telling you now that you got me good

There's something about you and I can't help but show it

You Damn right, you got me good

Now I'm not alone with you I'm whole

Songtexte I gotta let you know you got me good

I just wanna

Songtext Be your all and all

I just wanna be the one to make you fall

Lyrics I wanna take you away

I want you to be for me

Lyric I want you here with me forever

Be my holiday, yeah


Oh yeah

Let me take you away

There's something about you


There's something about you and you don't even know it

Alle I'm telling you now that you got me good

There's something about you and I can't help but show it

Jamelia Damn right, you got me good

Now I'm not alone with you I'm whole

Something I gotta let you know you got me good

You got me

About You got me good



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