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Nach dem Ende von D.B. Reloaded:


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Das Ende von PRESSTORE und D.B. RELOADED finde ich sehr schade, aber wir werden von VIVIAN PRESUTTI auch in Zukunft Musik hören.

Sie macht weiter als Sängerin und Songschreiberin.

Ihre brandneue Internetseite mit interessanten Infos gibt es hier:


Edit: Danke an amazonic, Fehler in der Internetadresse berichtigt



oh gott der topic titel hat mich gleich mal ins schwitzen gebracht *ggg*

na gottseidank gehts weiter ...

Das Ende von PRESSTORE und D.B. RELOADED finde ich sehr schade, aber wir werden von VIVIAN PRESUTTI auch in Zukunft Musik hören.

Sie macht weiter als Sängerin und Songschreiberin.

Ihre brandneue Internetseite mit interessanten Infos gibt es hier:



da hat unser lieber denharrow wohl ein "i" verschluckt :D

richte internetadresse lautet wohl


aber schade das D.B. Reloaded aufgehört haben *snief* :besorgt::muahaha::traurig:


Hi friends

sorry for my using english language

(I don't speak deutch but my boyfriend speaks deutch and he translates for me) :)

I'm very happy that we're still in touch after all this years...

many things change, but don't be sorry for Da Blitz or DB Reloaded or Presstore...

Simone Pastore is still a friend, a great musician and arranger and I'm still a singer and songwriter: maybe one day both of us we'll be back with a new song.

At the moment Simon is composing electronic soundtracks for documentaries and I'm involved in different projects.

One project is finished and we're trying to find a Label:

FUTBòL new single, RHYTHM IS GONNA CATCH YOU (I'm the author and the Singer) Ale di Maggio (dj and Composer) and Maurizio Maiuri (Composer).

PRESSTORE is closed but DB RELOADED is a trademark of our property:

we can use it again whenever we like.

Many things are yet changed:

Dance music of '80 and '90 is having a great success in italian clubs and after 10 years we're performing again.....

who could ever said???

I'm here to thank you for your supporting dance music (present and past) and for this space dedicated to me.

A big hug to everybody :)



Hey Viviana,

thank you for responding to my e-mail so fast :daumenhoch:

We all would love to hear more new songs from you because you are still a very good songwriter and even a better singer !

Your voice is perfect for italian dance songs - it gives the tracks this special feeling.

Can you post a sound sample of RHYTHM IS GONNA CATCH YOU ?

I am curious of the melody................................

Please stay in touch with us ( your fans ) - you are always welcome and we like to hear from you ( news, new songs, new projects, plans - everything ).

Ciao Thomas

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