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Hotel Saint George - Feel The Sun


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David Bacon arbeitet an einem neuen Song von HOTEL SAINT GEORGE - Veröffentlichung wohl noch diesen Herbst.

Dire Info kommt von STEFY ENERGY, so dass der Wahrheitsgehalt bei 100 % liegen sollte.


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Hehe sie haben soviele gute Tracks gemacht .. aber so gut wie alle sind so sau schlecht geworden ! Denke auch die hier werden enttäuschen !!


Oha.......................VANNI G. ist an diesem neuen Song auch beteiligt - große Überraschung..............er macht ja sonst nur noch POP.

Er sorgt auf jedenfall mit für eine Dance-Version !!!!

Das läßt hoffen !



freut mich dass vanni g doch dabei ist!

hotel saint george fand ich immer ganz ok. zwar rissen deren songs nie bäume aus, aber sie waren fürs zwischendurch hören ganz nett.

ausserdem mag ich die vocals. meistens.

bin gespannt.

  • 3 Wochen später...

Die Vocals werden Dir wohl auch diesmal wieder gefallen, denn sie kommen glücklicherweise vom selben Sänger GIUSEPPE.

Das hat ENZO IACONO bestätigt, der mit DAVID BACON Kontakt hat.

Enzo Iacono hat auch schon eine Demo gehört und spricht von einem sicheren Hit und einer Dance-Bombe !

Ich freue mich immer mehr................................



Yeah well, that's highly doubtful, he is the only person who says it's sung by that "Giuseppe".

All others (Stefy Energy, EMI, Floorjunkies) said that Roby Santini is the singer, and I find that much easier to believe, for a couple of reasons (besides the confirmation of these three people).

1. Obviously, Roby Santini doesn't want people to know it's him singing. In an interview from about two years (?) ago, he said his favourite male vocals were that of the singer of Caramel & Nuts (of which only one single was released yet at that time). He didn't even mention the person who sung all of his OWN songs as RSDJ AND all Hotel Saint George songs. Would be odd if it was another person than himself singing.

2. In the booklet of the album, it's clearly mentioned: Hotel Saint George is Roby Santini, Vanni G and David Bacon. No one else...


Yes, there are other opinons about the male singer of this project.

But as long as the vocals sound the same it is not important if the real voice is coming from Santini or this mysterious Guiseppe.

You are right:

In the booklet of the album it is written that Hotel Saint George are our three italo stars, but to be " behind a project " does not mean that one of these three persons is singing the songs too.

Another question is why Roby Santini does not want us to know that he is the male voice of the group.

Why should it be a top secret in the italo world ???

He should be proud of his voice because it sounds very well.

Other artists like VANNI G., MOLELLA or DJ ROSS can't sing and sometimes you have to guess who was standing behind the microphones when the song was recorded.

Why did DJ ROSS call his last projects DJ ROSS VS. DY ????

Why didn't he call this project DJ ROSS VS DOUBLE YOU ???

Sometimes I think the reason for this decision was that he did not want us to know ( besides the experts of italo dance ) that he is not singing his songs.

I could understand his motivation but I can't understand it in an opposite way.


In that example of you, I rather think that Double You doesn't want to make it too obvious that it's him... since his past is much "richer" than what he does now of course hehe...

And that Hotel Saint George = Roby Santini / Vanni G / David Bacon is just one small argument, the other two are better ;)

  • 2 Monate später...
  • 5 Wochen später...
is wohl nix geworden draus :rockdahouse:

oder gibts was neues davon?

Ich habe irgendwo gelesen, dass der Song wohl nur auf einer der nächsten DJ SELECTION-Sampler zu finden sein wird und nicht als eigene Single veröffentlicht wird ( also analog zu den SOUNDLOVERS ).

Mal abwarten, die Italiener spekulieren auf die nächste DANCE INVASION 33 - aber sicher weiß ich das natürlich nicht.

  • 2 Monate später...

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