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Ti.Pi.Cal feat. Kimara - What I Like


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Auf dieses Come-Back bin ich besonders gespannt, schließlich haben die Jungs mit KIMARA LAWSON 1999 einen meiner Italo Lieblingshits veröffentlicht, nämlich MUSIC IS MY LIFE.

Ich bin gespannt.



Yes, you could be right.

Maybe it is a disappointing production.

New Music released only bad records in the last months and Vincenzo Callea, one of the members besides Daniele Tignio and ( I have just forgotten the third one ), produced no good songs in the last years.

But...............everytime TI.PI.CAL released a song " featuring KIMARA " it was a nice dance hit whereas " featuring Josh " the record was not so good.

So maybe this lets us hope a little bit.

EDIT: Riccardo Piparo is the third member !!!!!!


Thanks for the link.

This is really NOTHING.

You can create this rhythm in 5 minutes with every music maker program.

I can't believe that there is somebody who will buy this record.


tipical hatten doch 2003 diesen riesenhit mit "is this the love" oder? hätte es von anfang an in die housesection gepostet. den neuen track werde ich glaub nie wieder hören, zum glück ^^

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