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Nowak - Gimme Your Love - Exklusiv-HP !


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Na also, es lohnt sich, unseren Italogott anzuschreiben.

Hier ist seine Nachricht von HEUTE !!!!!

Hi Thomas!

I'm surprised! How did you find me?:-)

I'm really happy you like my music and I hope you will follow my future releases.

First of all I worked for the new summer single of Corona, the new her song is called I'll be your lady, I've made 2 remixes, one called Nowak vocal mix and the other one Hollywood Boulevard mix.

This single was just licensed in Germany, Austria and Swiss at ZYX MUSIC, in Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway at DISCO:WAX/WARNER MUSIC and in Russia at STAR MUSIC. In Italy it will be released at the end of june.

Lately I'm dedicating to different productions, and I'm abandoning my old kind of music, cause, unfortunately, Italo-dance music in italy isn't cool.

Nowadays Italy prefers other kind of music and so I have changed my way of making music and I'm working to produce House song, such as Hollywood Boulevard feat. George Found - Good Times (on Shake records label) and Nowak - Sunshine that is a next winter release.

However, at the same time, I will continue to make Italo dance songs, in fact I've just finished a new beautiful song called Gimme your love but still I don't introduced it to the local dance label, I will make it soon.

I've gotta many many ideas and stuff in work in progress and I hope I arrive to the famous HIT and if I arrived it will be cause of you!!!

I hope you will find useful these info and I thank you so much for the attention you gived me.

Thanks for your support and your compliment.

Stay tuned for my other news!!

See you soon, bye bye,


PS:I have attached the new song Nowak-Gimme your love for a listening! I hope you like it!! Send me a comment! Bye!

Werde gleich mal eine HP basteln, der Song ist nicht übel, im PAPS N SKAR Stil.

Es gibt also gute und schlechte Nachrichten. Er macht House Songs ( das will der Markt so ), aber er produziert weiter Italo Dance Musik.

So muß es sein.


Wow, nicht schlecht. Danke für deine "Kontaktaufnahme" *gg*.

Ich hoffe du hast nicht vergessen, ihm den Link unseres Forums zu geben :traurig:

Dann sieht er nämlich, wieviele doch noch auf richtigen Italo stehen :uff:


APPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wie geil ey... ist sicher eine von den ruhigeren Versionen ... da gitbs sicher noch peppigere Mixe ... Respekt Thomas für die Kontaktaufnahme !!!

bewertung09.gif erstmal ! NOWAK IST EIN GOTT !!!!


Habe ihm gerade zurückgeschrieben, dass ich eine kurze Real Player Demo ins Forum gestellt habe und ihm dann Eure Meinungen mitteilen werde ( wenn er nicht selbst liest ).

Also immer schön loben :vogelzeig:



Thanks Thomas!

It is very positive that we can still reach some artists. It seems he's very glad with the attention. Ofcourse he totally deserves it.

I'm happy 'Nowak' continues producing Italo productions, even if the focus lies more on house. His dance productions are very good. He is one of the few artist these days that still make good quality Italo.

I like this new production really much. The synth is indeed very Paps 'N' Skar like. And that is good! The warm vocals and positve/happy sound makes a great combination! Very, very good! If released... a must have for every Italo collection!

  • 2 Wochen später...

Also mal den VLC Player gesaugt und installiert und mir die Hörprobe "gegeben". Gefällt mir recht gut würde mal ne bewertung07.gif geben dafür. Mal schauen, vielleicht released er das Teil ja und dann gibts auch hoffentlich wieder gute Mixe dazu :)

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