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Love Touch - Hate & Love


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This is really a masterpiece! Indeed a bit like he 80's style, but absolutely beautiful combined with the sound of today! I'm so glad Graziano still continues with this project. When I hear songs like these I still believe in the power of the new Italo, even though most songs don't have the quality like the songs had a few years ago...


Yes, it is true that the quality of the most songs of today is not very good.

We have some italo dance tracks with hardstyle elements or with house pollution - I don't like them.

Then we have hundreds of new italian Eurobeat dance songs but many of them are made very fast - it is more a money factory to make a lot of money in japan than a try to create masterpieces.

So I am very happy about the new hits of LOVE TOUCH and DJ CUTRY, because I think this is REAL ITALO !!!



I think we have exactly the same definition about REAL ITALO.

It's a pity most people in Italy seems to want something else. They should be proud on their unique style of dance music. I personally will never get enough of it...


Yes, you are right.

And..........there will be better times in the future again, because every sound has its good and its bad times, that's fashion.

But everything comes back ( with some little changes ).

Sometimes I become angry when an italo star creates some other kind of music, like NICOLOSI ( see the Pop/Rock section ) because I know they can do it much better ( even when this new production is not even bad ).


That's the thing I'm really hoping for... Better times. I know Italo had its ups and downs too in the past years, but I just can't stand it. It's so unfair for people like you and me... collectors, with passion for the music. Ofcourse we buy the records because we like to have it for real, but we also buy it to support the artist. When they suddenly all change style it feels a bit like a betrayal.

I hope you are right... the good times really should come back...


Na das nenn' ich doch eine richtig geniale Idee, den Sound der 80er Jahre wieder aufleben zu lassen. Ich würde sogar so weit gehen zu sagen, dass das die beste Single von Love Touch ist, nicht nur vom Stil, sondern auch von der Melodie her. Ich hoffe, dass die Band damit den Grundstein für eine neue Ära in der Italo-dance-szene legt.

Italodisco is back!!!

Now and forever!!!


Is ja fast schon klassischer Italo-Disco (lang lang is her :saufen: ),

wirklich ganz nett gemacht, schöne Synthies, überhaupt der nach dem Refrain

is so richtig Italo-Disco und gefällt mir sehr gut. :daumenhoch:


Ein Remix mit etwas mehr power muss trotzdem noch her!!


Irgendwie hab' ich gerade die fixe Idee, dass ja Master Blaster den Titel remixen könnten, natürlich vorausgesetzt, dass sie wieder von ihrer momentanen Schiene runterkommen. So zu sagen ein Revival vom Revival. Würd' ich jedenfalls klasse finden.

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