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Interview Provenzano Dj

Matador Dj

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Hi Amerigo Provengano, I’ve chosen you as my third guest of this new space of mine, “dj torre’s interviews”, the new m2o compilation volume 11 was released just a few weeks ago, so it's time to ask you some questions:

1- M2o Vol. 11: reveal us the track list and all the previews and it speaks us about as the m2o video is been born .

_PDJ__: you can find the track list and all the news on my website-forum www.provenzanodj.com/forum ;for the video, the idea has born as usual at dinner.... there was the will to do a video in which almost everyone could take part in and

considering that this was the 11th compilations, we had m2o eleven, that is referred to the famous film ocean's eleven, and the best is yet to come ,because with some modifies it will be the video of my new record "Vibe".

2- Tribe receives a lot of important names of the dance world such as Dj Lhasa, Dj Cerla,Promiseland, Molinaro e Gigi Dag, who will be the next?

_PDJ__: The next will be Danijay, who would have his own space every month, and for the next we will wait, at the moment we are satisfied of our current team

3- Provenzano e Molinaro - It’s Gonna Be will be released in cds?

_PDJ__: It doesn’t depend on me…. The label is Bliss

4- Except for the collaboration with Molinaro, Promiseland, ecc , there are new collaborations in program, for example with Gigi Dag?

_PDJ__: Collaborations are not planned, they come naturally when there is something we want to propose together, and at the moment I don’t see other possibilities.

5- When will we see your new single? And what are going to be your next remixes?

_PDJ__: I’m working on a project fot VODAFONE, my new single “Vibe” has been released and contains 5 versions.

6- Jump 2 The dancefloor will be released? And what will be the attendance?

_PDJ__: I really believe so…. Even if the future will be based on a new platform that will allow us to sell music just listened on the radio; think about it: you have just listened a new track on the radio, you go to the store and buy it! Not bad, this will be the future!

7- Italian Djs (Sygma + Provenzanodj) is programmed weekly on a lot of radios around the world, will it be a program on m2o?

_PDJ__: Definitely not….. It’s a project geared towards spreading our sound in the world

8- The Dual Disk experience for m2o seems to have great confirmations, when will be released a new one?

_PDJ__: Two annual releases are in program, but we are estimating the availability of the market to receive many products

9- Some time ago you answered to a critic against dance songs saying: “If you will wait some more, we will not even produce them”; are you taking in consideration the opportunità to change genre? Someone have accused you to be an house dj since you had begun to pass Madonna, Bob Sinclair and Mondo Dj, what can you reply to them?

_PDJ__: We will keep on producing 360° dance. Because we like it and because we believe in it; I’m very optimistic in this period because even if we are colliding with a pirate culture very radicated, that sometimes vanifies everydays work, we try to resist. For what concern myself, I try to propose dance with a more wider cut, and it’s not always easy for who like me had always had a very clean cut.

10- Allmusic enters in the Ellemedia group, and at last we will see you in TV; what do you think about it?

_PDJ__: I’m a dj, not a model or a presenter; eventually has begun my mixed video program “m2all shock”, that in this very moment is my priorità, and I’m very satisfied about the way it is, but I’m studying some news to insert and maybe you will se something about me....

11-m2o will be present at the international SIB of Rimini, can you give us a preview of the program?

_PdJ_: from 11th to 14th of March we will be present at Sib2006, guests of the "Numark" stand, with Out Of Mind live. During the Sib, m2o djs and various dance guests will alternate themselves. The regular team will consist on Provenzano Dj & Eddie; Simone Girasole; Roberto Molinaro; Promiseland; Mazza & Martinelli; Hypertraxx; Remondini; On Monday we will be guests of the Discoteca Baia Imperiale - Rimini - for the Dj Set party.... We are waiting for you!

Here ends the interview!!! (available on web site www.djtorre.sito.tv and another web forum.)

I thank Provenzano Dj for the helpfulness, and I you to the next month, in which I will receive Fred Kannone of Mastro G/Latin Lovers projects

See you soon,

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