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Interview DJ Andy Garcia

Gast Anna

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hamma grad für danceria gemacht - is recht interessant geworden glaub ich.

sorry hab kane nerven des wieder zurück übersetzen :rockdahouse:

5 questions to ..... Andy Garcia!

1.) Career - Successful DJ from Austria, great producer and remixer. How was the DJ Andy Garcia born artistically?

When I was 17, a european DJ contest took place in my homecity Vienna, so I went there. Watching those DJs was the moment when I thought for the first time, I also would like to do that. So I bought two turntables and practiced all the time at home. By the time I was at the civil service (I was 18 then), I got my first job as a DJ. After having played there an Agency asked me if I’d be willing to do that professionally,it was around 1993. Through that I travelled through the whole of Austria, I played in every kind of disco from a Dance Bar to a big club. I also played in some clubs in Switzerland. This all helped me to get a lot of experience. Through all that, I came to Nachtschicht in 1999, which was also the start for me as a producer. My first single United Nightshift Deejays - The Ultimate Deejay was released in 2000, some remixes followed. For example, I did 2 remixes of tracks that won the Amadeus Award (most important musical award in Austria), those two tracks were number one in Austria’s sales charts. I also did a remix for one Italian production (unfortunately only one!), which was Erika - Ditto. Greets to DJ Ross on that point! Several of my tracks and remixes hit the Austrian Dancecharts, only to name a few here: My second solo single “Disco Jojo” was chart position 8, “Lance Inc. - Cold As Ice” with my remix on it #3, “Clubraiders - Move Your Hands Up” # 4, “Gambas & Alvaro - A fairy tale of dreams” … I was on #1 with “Gambas - Musica Reworked” and my solo single “DJ Andy Garcia - Ganz Entspannt (Disco Condor). My actual remix is for “Monsieur Louis - Cannelure Magique”, which was released a few days ago.

2.) Today - How is the actual music scene in your opinion?

I think from what I see in the clubs every weekend that everything is getting a little more “electronic”, a little more housy … But I definitely think that the time of dance tracks with more than 145 bpm is over. Everything is getting slower, with more pressure …

3.) Piracy - What do you think about it?

It’s very difficult to answer this question. Nothing is generally good or generally bad. I think generally that good things won’t ever die. But especially for dance music, it’s really difficult. It’s a pity that really sucessful dance is only by Madonna and a few other worldwide-known artists.

4.) Club - What do you think about today’s club scene? Do you think there are many differences between Austria’s and Italy’s ?

I think in Italy it’s a little easier due two big things. The first one is the radio. In Austria we don’t have any radio stations that would play dance music as it is being played in Italy. m2o, Discoradio, RadioDeejay, Pieterpan, and all those radios are a great platform for artists, but also to make dance music be known among the people. The second thing are the Inhabitants. Italy has many more people than Austria, which also means many more opinions and many more opportunities. But I think Austria could be called “small, but important”, andy hey, Italodance is still working in Austria !! ;-)

5.) Tomorrow - Tell us about your future projects

My next single should be released by the end of February, and for the summer I’m planning an album - a remix album with some new tracks and of course my, let’s call it “most wanted” remixes on it.

Thanks to Andy Garcia!



Naja schade dass es nicht in deutsch ist, kann zwar Englisch, haber aber keine Lust dass ich jetzt alles übersetze!

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