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Backstreet Boys - I Still


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Ich mag den "neuen Style" der Backstreet Boys ja ziemlich! ;)

Die 3. Auskopplung aus dem aktuellen Album Never Gone ist auch recht gelungen!


Who are you now?

Are you still the same

Or did you change somehow?

What do you do

At this very moment when I think of you?

And when I'm looking back

How we were young and stupid

Do you remember that?


No matter how I fight it

Can't deny it

Just can't let you go

I still need you

I still care about you

Though everything's been said and done

I still feel you

Like I'm right beside you

But still no word from you

Now look at me

Instead of moving on, I refuse to see

That I keep coming back

And I'm stuck in a moment

That wasn't meant to last (to last)

I try to fight it

Can't deny it

You don't even know

That I still need you

I still care about you

Though everything's been said and done

I still feel you

Like I'm right beside you

But still no word from you


Wish I could find you

Just like you found me

Ohhhhh (can't live without you)

Though everything's been said and done (yeah)

I still feel you (I still feel you)

Like I'm right beside you (like I'm right beside you)

But still no (still no word) word from you


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  • 2 Wochen später...

Hmm...also ehrlich gesagt mag ich den alten Stil lieber als den neuen. Okay, hängt sicher auch damit zusammen, weil ich früher n ziemlich großer BSB Fan war, Erinnerungen an die Zeit damals und ans Konzert hab, etc...

Man kann sich den Song anhören, aber ist jetzt auch nichts sooo besonderes. Schade das nichts mehr kommt wie damals. Naja.


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