Gast riminipeter Geschrieben 8. November 2005 Geschrieben 8. November 2005 Hi friends !After having big succes with Gigi D'Agostino at THE PLAZE in Nykøbing (Denmark) we have now booked GABRY PONTE for an event saturday December 3th 2005!As with Gigi you can order your ticket at from tuesday 15.11 !I hope to see all you german PARTYPEOPLE once again at THE PLAZE in Nykøbing. The disco is located just next to the trainstation only 20 minuttes from the border of Germany - so go for it :-)
Gast Anna Geschrieben 8. November 2005 Geschrieben 8. November 2005 gabry conquers the world have fun, everybody who's going there, and give him a kiss from me
Gast riminipeter Geschrieben 17. November 2005 Geschrieben 17. November 2005 Hi friends Remember we have booked Gabry Ponte as a follow up to Gigi, he will come to the disco saturday 3.12 ... I hope to see all you partypeople once again in Denmark !Tickets can be ordered at this link: will ship the tickets as well to foreign countrys.If you want to see some pictures from our last party with Gigi D'Agostino click on "pictures" at !I hope to see many fans from Sweden and Germany, like the event with Gigi
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