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TIESTO in Amsterdam 03.12.


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Saturday, December 3rd 2005, Tiësto will play a six hour DJ set in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam. During this night he will be accompanied by DJ's Ton T.B. & Phynn. Tiësto hasn't been performing in The Netherlands since May this year. Coming Saturday an exclusive presale will start for the members of the renewed Tiësto website: www.tiesto.com. De regular ticket sale will start Wednesday October 12th at 10 AM.

After an intensive touring period through whole Europe and the first Tiësto In Concert in the United Stated, Tiësto is finally back in The Netherlands. Saturday, December 3rd 2005, Tiësto will play a six hour DJ set in the Heineken Music Hall in Amsterdam.

The night will start with warm up Ton T.B., an experienced Black Hole DJ. After that Tiësto himself will take over for six hours in a row. New Black Hole talent, DJ Phynn, who also will be making his Heineken Music Hall debut, will close the night. The show will be one from a high productional standard with spectacular special effects and visuals.

To make sure that the fans will get the opportunity to buy tickets for this event, there will be an exclusive presale on www.tiesto.com from Saturday, October 1st onwards. Members of the website can order their tickets 12 days before the regular ticket sales start.

The show of December 3rd will replace the 4 seasons: Summer! Event which should have taken place last June but due to productional reason was postponed. Tickets which already have been bought for the 4 seasons: Summer! Event will remain valid for the December 3rd show.


+ Ton T.B & Phynn

Saturday December 3rd 2005

Heineken Music Hall - Amsterdam

Entrance: € 42,50 (excl. Service costs)

Start: 10 PM, end 07 AM


auch wenn er grad nicht mein lieblings dj ist- und ich nur wenig positives abgewinnen kann- an dem ganzen tiesowahn- den typ werd ich mir mit sicherheit nochmal live reinziehn- damit ich dann wirklich weiß- was ich von ihm halten soll!!!


Asterdam ist zwar von mir nicht ganz so weit wie von vielen anderen Leuten hier im Forum....aber 42 Euro?! Ne ne....das ist dann doch zu heftig. Würde ihn zwar gerne mal live erleben, aber so sicher nicht.

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