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Mandaryna - Ev'ry Night *Marta is back*

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finds nicht so besonders kenen das Lied schon habs mal irgentwo im radio gehört



Hört sich an wie ein schlecht gesungenes "You're my Heart, You'r my Soul". :saufen:


Perhaps she will be the new Jessica Böhrs and stick her head in a Hollywood movie :wiegeil:

Eurotrip 2 ? :xxx:

But she need a little singinlessons

Who is Jessica Böhrs?! :häää:

Eurotrip 2?! Why not.. *g* But Marta is a MILF,:xxx:, she had 2 Children and is married... :xxx::mrbighead:

Singinlessons? Yes, she need it, or a Deepforces Remix!! Chris what you mean?! :dancingbear:

Perhaps she will be the new Jessica Böhrs and stick her head in a Hollywood movie  :saufen:

Eurotrip 2 ?  :xxx:

But she need a little singinlessons

Who is Jessica Böhrs?! :häää:

Eurotrip 2?! Why not.. *g* But Marta is a MILF,:xxx:, she had 2 Children and is married... :traurig::muahaha:

Singinlessons? Yes, she need it, or a Deepforces Remix!! Chris what you mean?! :saufen:

Vocalist in Novaspace :häää:

Married ? :wiegeil:

oh well, lucky boy who got her then

But I now know why Olli@Balloon Records let her get a contract :traurig:


Novaspace, i forget it... :uff:

Married is a Reason, but no Obstacle!!! :xxx::headbang:

When Chris where soon at ICQ then i contacted him for the purpose of Marta... :headbang: But Marta must do for a Remix more than singing... *ggg*

:nuckel: :nuckel:

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