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  • 2 Wochen später...

Another Way

- Club Mix (The same mix as the 'Tanzen Mix')

- Radio Edit


New Year's Day

- Ext. Mix (The same mix as the 'Extended Mix')

I think it's only a abbreviation for "Extended Mix", so the meaning for me is the same and need no extra mentioning.

New Year's Day

- Radio Mix

As there is no track time, I don't know if it's the same as "Radio Edit", so I added it to the list (for now) as new mix.

Gin Lemon Dub and More Gin Lemon are no mixnames of Gin Lemon

The vinyls do not mention these songs as a mixname, look here, here, and here

And if you look at the CD single of Gin Lemon these two songs are written by L. Di Agostino Only, and Gin Lemon is written by A. Remondini, G. Bortolotti and L. Di Agostino, Just look at the credits

For me the tracks are too similar to treat it as own songs.

Tracks 1-3 arranged and mixed by: L. Di Agostino/A. Remondini

Tracks 2-4 arranged and mixed by: L. Di Agostino

Track 5 arranged and mixed by: M. Picotto/A. Remondini

All tracks with A. Remondini mentioned have the singing part in the song with the lyrics

"It's all I can think of

It's all I can think of

It's all I can think of

So wrong it was will to be."

"Gin Lemon Dub" & "More Gin Lemon" don't have this part.

So that's for me the difference between "Gin Lemon Dub" & "More Gin Lemon" and the other three mixes. And so I think that's the reason track 2&4 only mention L. Di Agostino.

It's only my point of view, I also can be wrong with this, I don't know. Other opinions?

You are doing a really good job by listing all Gigi's songs, remixes, cooperations etc...

I often use this list to check which songs I have and which songs are still missing in my collection

Thanks a lot!

Thank you, but it's not only my merit. Thanks to all, who helped me with this list!

Gigi D'Agostino - Cuba Libre

- UK Edit



Cuba Libre (UK Release) icon13.gif [to_post_off.gif GG D'AG - Cuba Libre] [to_post_off.gif NOISE MAKER - Cuba Libre]

- UK Edit

Bla Bla Bla

- Radio Cut

Was always listed within the Bla Bla Bla mixes, maybe you read over it :italien:


- Hard Dance Style Remix


Gigi D'Agostino - Sweetly

- Hearts Side Mix

OK we already have had this proposition. At that time I said that it's no new mix, but it's the same mix as "Ipotetic Version", because when you look at the Sweetly-Vinyl you'll see that on one side there are pictured hearts. So I think that's the reason the name "Hearts Side Mix" came off.

Nevertheless I added it to the list now as follow (so we can check it off for the future)

- Ipotetic Version f_moved.gif ['Hearts Side Mix' (Renaissance: The Mix Collection Part 3 Compilation)]


- Gigi Tanz FM

Don't know if it's an official one, I have doubts about it. It should be the same mix as the "Gigi D'Agostino Tanz" on m2o Vol. 12


- Rado Negundo Mix

- Electric Soul Mix

(I have a strange feeling about this compilation, could be an unofficial release, I don't know)

I agree with you, nothing official.


Gigi D'Agostino - Hitmix

It seems the so called "Hitmix" is only a mix-up between The Riddle and L'Amour Toujours as you can see here


Wird die Seite bei euch auch als "attackierend gemeldete Website!" angezeigt?

Bei mir gehts wieder normal, daher wieder eingefügt.

Gigi D'Agostino & The Love Family - Don't You Go Away

Gigi D'Agostino & The Love Family - Diamond Ring





Du hast mehr als die erlaubte Anzahl von Zitatblöcken benutzt

Hm, wieder mal :daumenhoch: Kann man das nicht erhöhen?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Doch, ich denk schon, dass die Gin Lemons eigene Songs sind.

Auf dem originalen BXR Release sieht man's eigentlich sehr gut.

Mixnamen haben Gin Lemon davor und sind in Klammern und die anderen sind einfach als Trackname geschrieben, ohne Gin Lemon davor.

Liegt wohl daran, dass Gigi die Tantieme für die Songs für sich alleine einstreichen wollte, da sonst kein anderer dran mitgeschrieben hat *g*

Edit: Ähnlicher Fall: Adam Austin - The Way / Motorway

B1 ist im Grunde 'ne Instrumentalversion von den A Side Songs ;) Nur sind halt komplett andere Songwriter angegeben und der Song hat nen anderen Namen.

Bearbeitet von Daft

kann man, habs jetzt mal auf 20 gesetzt, ich hoffe das reicht dir in zukunft ^^

my 2 cents to Gin Lemon: is Remondini a singer? if yes, then your theory could be true, if not... i don't know :D

otherwise it's strange that Extended Mix is written as a mixname, but More Gin Lemon and Dub Gin Lemon are written as tracknames :daumenhoch:

i'll listen to the songs later, when i'm back home.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Wird die Seite bei euch auch als "attackierend gemeldete Website!" angezeigt?

Bei mir gehts wieder normal, daher wieder eingefügt.

Bei mir noch nicht ... komisch. Edit: Jetzt! :-)

Ach ja, danke für den "Way - Motorway-Hinweis" Daft, das ist neues Material für meinen Thread. :augenrollen:

Bearbeitet von DonHergeFan
Gigi D'Agostino - Sweetly

- Hearts Side Mix

OK we already have had this proposition. At that time I said that it's no new mix, but it's the same mix as "Ipotetic Version", because when you look at the Sweetly-Vinyl you'll see that on one side there are pictured hearts. So I think that's the reason the name "Hearts Side Mix" came off.

Nevertheless I added it to the list now as follow (so we can check it off for the future)

- Ipotetic Version f_moved.gif ['Hearts Side Mix' (Renaissance: The Mix Collection Part 3 Compilation)]

I also thought it could have been taken from the Sweetly vinyl, but there is one big difference:

The 'Ipotetic Version' (The 'Hearts side' of the vinyl) has a track lenght of +/- 8:11

But the 'Hearts Side Mix' on this compilation is 5:01, look here

If this song is taken from the vinyl, they must have changed something to make it shorter


@ Jenson

Nein, Andrea Remondini ist vermutlich kein Sänger.

Er hat bei unter anderem bei Cappella

1.Tell me the way 1995

2.Back in your life 1995

3.Stay with me 1995

4.I need your love 1996

5.Be my baby 1997

6.Turn it up and down 1997

7.U got 2 let the music 1998 Remix

und bei Mauro Picotto's Lizard 1998 mitproduziert...


ich weiß schon, ich glaube auch nicht, dass Remondini das singt ^^

der is ja nicht wirklich als sänger bekannt.

ob das bei Gin Lemon jetzt mixe oder eigene titel sind... schwer zu sagen, ich halte mich da mal zurück.


ich könnte ihn eigentlich mal fragen ;)


schade hat nix zurückgeschrieben, im facebook war er gerade online.


Nein, DonHergeFan, das frühere Media Records Team bestand damals aus ca. 70 italienischen Produzenten, u.a. Picotto, Paganelli, Leoni und auch Remondini...die oft gemeinsam Cappella-Tracks produziert haben...

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Il Folklorista

- Those Were The Days (Pathos)

- Gioia Ardente


Gigi D'Agostino - La Passion

['Mix Endless Acapellas Vol. 8']


Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours

- Acappella

- Acappella Treats


- Gigi's Techno Fez Remix (Probably the same song as the 'Tanzen Vision RMX')


Gigi D'Agostino - Bla Bla Bla

- Scream In Live Mix

- Scream Remix Radio Edit


Bearbeitet von Gert Oosterhof
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

es fehlen noch die beiden Tracks von der Benelux The Riddle:

- The Riddle [Vocal Mix] (Nicht das selbe wie Vocal Radio Edit von der The Riddle Remix CD.Ich besitze seit heute beide CDs)

- Gigi's Violin = Nicht nur ein Cut.Z.B. wurde das Intro des Songs bearbeitet.

Bearbeitet von hlennarz
  • 2 Wochen später...

Eq-Lazer - Heaven The Remixes - State Of Europe E.P. 1993

Track B2

Eq-Lazer - Heaven (Over England) (5:00)

Remixed By: Voyager

On Discogs is said that this is the Voyager from "Luigi Di Agostino, Sergia Datta, Mauro De Stefani", also known as Voyager (9)

This vinyl is released in 1993, if I'm not wrong Gigi was still in the group Voyager at this time

So it could be that Gigi D'Agostino also remixed this song

Does anyone knows more about this song?

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

If you read this submission's history, the submitter doesn't know which Voyager remixed this track. It's only assumption.

Also the mix name "Over England" doesn't make any sense with Voyager, no one is from England.

Edit: I now edited this submission with a new Voyger, since no one knows which is the right one and it's most likely not Voyager (9).

Bearbeitet von Daft
  • 3 Wochen später...

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