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Alle Inhalte von hlennarz

  1. @ Badzu: Es gibt einige englishsprachige Nutzer hier, denen man das ganze erleichtern will. ;) Ich erinnere mich an die "Il Grande Viaggio Vol. 2". Damals hieß es so weit ich mich erinnere von Gigi in seinem Forum: "in 2 Wochen". I remember the ""Il Grande Viaggio Vol. 2". Back in the day (2002 or 2003) Gigi told on his forums: "ready in 2 weeks !"
  2. Psico Dance won't come out. All the signs point against it once again.
  3. Very interesting. And it sucks he feels betrayed by Gigi. It seems like they really had a close friendship wich each other that's now broken apart... So many great tracks they collaborated on in the 90s... *sigh* I mean we don't know what happened that lead Gigi to this decision. Maybe because MediaRec hasn't released any CD since their reboot and Gigi didn't want to have his release "digital only" ? Or because they could only release in limited Numbers ? We can only assume... I can say personally, that TIME records feels much more commercialised and "cheap" in their WEB presentation (like ZYX) than Media, wich feels much more professional. However I can see why he puts Gigi in front of Picotto. Just listening to Picotto's "post-mediarec" releases is like a single monotone song that never ends & put on repeat. Just uninspired and boring. In short he says: Gigi is a great artist but a big asshole. Very interesting about "Bla Bla Bla". There is a version that is only very slightly different (running slower, different effects) on the spanish Compilation "Los+Bailandos". Maybe thats the original one ?
  4. William Tell <3 Aud Lang Syne Just...wow... speechless... one of the best tracks of his I heard in the last decade... I hope we'll get a full version as well. These deserved a CD release imo...
  5. No official info usually meant bad news. Did he ever oficially cancell any announced release ? Other than unpinning it on his forums... Im still waiting for “Underconstruction 1995-2005“ then...:'D
  6. If MediaWorld is as big in italy as it is in Germany, that is a huge market where the cd wont be available. I think this is once again the beginning of the end.
  7. I wouldn't mind a single CD with good tracks, as long as its unmixed or we get an "unmixed" web version like many other artists do.
  8. Hope this doesnt turn out to be the next “Mondo Virtuale“...
  9. Too bad, I really liked this tracklist...
  10. Schade um die Passa/Ripassa Version, die man sich jetzt als Vollversion abschminken kann...
  11. whats so special ?
  12. Love Has Been Waiting...
  13. Ich bin so froh, dass er endlich diese Tracks mit uns teilt, aber genau so traurig, das Sie wohl nun nie in hoher Qualität erscheinen werden. :( Bisher war zum Glück bis auf Clockwork Orange nichts all zu dolles in meinen Ohren dabei.
  14. There are plenty of unreleased songs and full-versions that do have intros and outros. I wouldn't say thats the reason why we don't have them.
  15. Tecno Fes Volume 2 (NM 019/CD): S 00025374 Correction: I don't have the Silence E.P. in Vinyl. Only CD. ;) (There is an entry on both) Oh and on one of the releases (don't remember wich one) i'm listed as "hlennard" :P
  16. hlennarz

    Ebay & Co.

    Die Christmas Dream ist ein Schnäppchen. Habe die aber schon. :D
  17. WHAT !!? I knew i've seen the picture disc rips by ZYX, and I knew Sweetly had a portion (persumably because it was to heavily noisy) cut, but its also in Mono ? OMG... #ZYX at it's finest ! Edit: Btw, they also used the scan of Side-A I provided on discogs and cheaply photoshopped the title "Sweetly" onto it, removing the "Noisemaker" line.
  18. I hope he will upload them somewhere for real and not just youtube... youtube quality sucks. :/
  19. @Bluestar I couldn't agree more ! The newer tracks he uploaded to youtube all sound very tinny. No bass at all. No words sounds like crap while its an amazing track on his livegigs. I'm starting to think this could be a “digital only“ release like potenza adeguata back in the day. Id love to see gigi go more digital. Less paperwork for him, less steps in production. Besides he has so many unreleased tracks or alternate versions people would easily buy.
  20. Zu Weinachten gibt es eine neue Version von "L'Amour Toujours":
  21. TIME records hat soebend Gigi's video geteilt. Damit dürften Sie nun als sein neues Label bestätigt sein. Passt ja auch, sind ja schon Datura, Albertino, Molella etc. dort.
  22. Il Grande Viaggio Vol. 2 Silence Album Underconstruction 1995-2005 Those Were The Days Vinyl Stay Vinyl Il Cammino Compilation Laboratorio 4 Ieri e Oggi Mix Vol. 3 Mondo Reale ...
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