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henk_jan hat zuletzt am 21. Januar gewonnen

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Leistungen von henk_jan

GFU Profi

GFU Profi (5/10)


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  1. This is the kind of generosity I prefer, I mean this price is a real bargain! 🤑
  2. Out now https://open.spotify.com/album/2pdu5TJDFILYTynsF1rsrP?si=FHE7nfhCRC61OR9BRox07Q To be honest, i do like it. Not verry special or suprisin, but very recognizable.
  3. This is pretty cool stuff! Well done to say at least I have to work coming nights, so might check on sound.ai
  4. Preview video no longer available 😭
  5. Also this year Gigi will kick-off the summer festive season Milan. Like last year the date and the location are the same, 21st of June, Fiera Milano Live. Start 21:00 Ticket sale starts this monday, 10 February 14:00 CET on https://www.vivoconcerti.com/roster/gigi-dagostino/live-2025
  6. Innerlande album is out as well https://open.spotify.com/album/2Ka3xf5cBO0FEDUyLiblum?si=FvSuMUdQSUKHNsf5qrL93w
  7. Release day is here: Spotify https://open.spotify.com/album/5QcudY9qwgp6is90pPykhk?si=ca3f3b17008c4f1d Deezer https://deezer.page.link/7whQRwLs3TC4N6XZ9 Tidal https://tidal.com/browse/album/405420601 Apple music https://music.apple.com/nl/album/total-eclipse-ep/1784994119
  8. Hahahaha whoops, crappy autocorrecting keyboard 😆
  9. This EP looks like a live registration (a short one, I know 😏) from the Austrian tour so far. Like this hardstyle influence and experimental twist. And total Eclipse for me give some good old Italo dance vibes, cannot complain that much....well maybe a little since the lyrics doesn't make much sense. For now wondering if there are any other tracks that might be added to this EP? Maybe the new version from Bla Bla Bla?
  10. New EP is incoming. Gigi an Luca Noise will release a brand new EP. The first track is called Total Eclipse, vocals by Vamada (whomever that might be) (Totalmente Gigi Dag & Luc On mix) https://youtu.be/7DREchj7X8U?si=XRIgzY3yGqgix_lA
  11. The event has officially been canceled... Well at least it's official now.... "Aus produktiontechnische Grunde" yeah right, first they postponed the event for disappointing ticket sales, and now technical reasons? Right
  12. Klagenfurt let's go!!! Have a fantastic party tonight!
  13. Federico Romanzi - Aeroplano https://open.spotify.com/album/6EwHtcJYqpwpyLJMWXRg3R?si=RMtuVVEXSE-ObxbRycfouw
  14. Spotify as well https://open.spotify.com/album/4UIzoYad12k8WDUi80bnJG?si=IpHH6tcwQpKvZwgmE4qsww
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