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Alle Inhalte von Davvero

  1. Sounds very much like 'Milk Inc'. Maybe it's because of the the voice and the trancy sound. But I like it. Very good song. :)
  2. Nice! Is this the dance version?
  3. http://www.gazebo.info/
  4. The production with Dhany is not so bad. I wouldn't call it house. It's like most new songs by Dhany. Only without the Benassi sound. I like the 'Beeside Club Mix'. This one is the most dance. A bit progressive with trancy elements. But that is just my personal taste. I don't consider it as Italo. The 'Original Mix' has some classic electro sounds in the main part of the song. The new Favretto sounds indeed like the 80's. Especially the 'Original Mix'. The 'Club Mix' reminds me more of the 90's! Very nice production...
  5. Thanks Thomas! It is very positive that we can still reach some artists. It seems he's very glad with the attention. Ofcourse he totally deserves it. I'm happy 'Nowak' continues producing Italo productions, even if the focus lies more on house. His dance productions are very good. He is one of the few artist these days that still make good quality Italo. I like this new production really much. The synth is indeed very Paps 'N' Skar like. And that is good! The warm vocals and positve/happy sound makes a great combination! Very, very good! If released... a must have for every Italo collection!
  6. Wow, is this really going to be released (on TIME)?! Probably on some 'DJ ZONE' compilation. I can't image a real release... This is very good Italo. Great sound! You would almost think this was made a couple of years ago...
  7. Sounds very much like Rick Astley's 'Together Forever'... I like it, since it's not so fast as most Eurobeat songs. This tempo is actually nice!
  8. I like this song! Nice style... seems like a combination between Eurobeat and Italo 'anno 00'...
  9. Davvero

    Christine - Rain

    Very 'girly' sound... and very sweet... Not really my style, but it's nice and okay...
  10. I would call it... good! Ofcourse I'm talking about the 'Martyn Dance Mix'. I like the style. First I didn't like the vocals, but afer a few times I could appreciate the special way of singing. Nice happy, 'good feeling' sound!
  11. We are already working on it :-) Let`s see if Americandisco will put it in the shop. Otherwise just write me an e-mail to cyt@arcrecords.at and we will arrange something :-) Friends & fans of our music outside of Austria & Germany are always welcome :-) Greetings, C.Y.T. Thanks Dominik, that is greatly appreciated ! I will try to order somehow on the internet, if that isn't possible I will contact you.
  12. so ist es!!!! Ich find den Ponte Rmx auch genial und auch passend zur Sommerzeit 2006... ...das Problem ist, dass viele Italofreaks schon in der "Hard-Dance-Style-Welle" schweben ... das meiner Meinung nach perwerser Italosound ist.... Exactly! I think it's stupid that this topic is moved to this location, instead of the Italo section. When you move this production, you should also move all the Hard Dance crap... I my opinion this song is more Italo-like than most Hard Dance songs. Especially the 'Gabry Ponte Mix', which has almost all the elements of an Italo song...
  13. Grande!! Isn't it possible to make a deal with American Disco? It's my favourite shop for Italo Dance music. I would be a lot easier if I could buy it right over there. Well... I will get is somehow if that isn't possible... I hope this release will be great succes!
  14. Very very very good! These German guys seem to to it a lot better than most Italian producers...
  15. Thanks for your personal party report Thomas. It's good to read your point of view about this party, since you are both a Disco as well a Dance lover. I'm kind of relieved now that I didn't make the trip. Too bad there were some things you didn't like. Maybe your expectations were also a bit too high in the beginning... but I hope that in the end you will look back to it as a party to never forget...
  16. Where can I buy these records? (Yleemusic) I can't find a shop on the internet... It's all very good Italo Dance in the revival style!
  17. Definitely a production like 'Italo' should sound! No hard dance elements, except for the Gio mix, which I don't like because of that aweful synthesizer! Nice vocals, (is it you Dominik), that fits perfectly in this production. A catchy chorus (vocal part). Very happy overall sound, especially the combination between the vocals and the background sounds. Makes me wanna dance, but also very easy to listen just at home. Really a fantastic track! Is it going the be released in Italy? (FMA?) DJ Torre Remix 9 - Most 'revival' like, especially the synth, very warm sound! C.Y.T. Orig. Club Mix 8 - powefull Italo sound in the well known C.Y.T. style Andrea Pilotti Remix 7,5 - Easy and comfortable sound DJ Gio Power Mix 5 - very ear killing synth!
  18. That's the thing I'm really hoping for... Better times. I know Italo had its ups and downs too in the past years, but I just can't stand it. It's so unfair for people like you and me... collectors, with passion for the music. Ofcourse we buy the records because we like to have it for real, but we also buy it to support the artist. When they suddenly all change style it feels a bit like a betrayal. I hope you are right... the good times really should come back...
  19. I think we have exactly the same definition about REAL ITALO. It's a pity most people in Italy seems to want something else. They should be proud on their unique style of dance music. I personally will never get enough of it...
  20. Revival sound is back! Clear vocals, emotional feeling, nice synth, piano sound! Like you German people say 'pflichtkauf' Thanks for sharing it with us Thomas.
  21. This is really a masterpiece! Indeed a bit like he 80's style, but absolutely beautiful combined with the sound of today! I'm so glad Graziano still continues with this project. When I hear songs like these I still believe in the power of the new Italo, even though most songs don't have the quality like the songs had a few years ago...
  22. Wow that's a great song! Happy and positive dance track!
  23. Davvero

    Dancefire - Star

    That's 'Revival' Italo Dance. Soft, melodic, emotional and easy to listen to. Hard Dance Style is much more German oriented. I don't like must Hard Dance songs at all. For me it has less and less to do with the original Italo sound. That's why they named it Hard Dance instead of Italo. You may like Hard Dance, no hard feelings, but I prefer it not to call it pure Italo Dance :-) 'Dancefire - Star' for me personally a great track! It has fantastic vocals and a great happy 'bleepy' sound in the background. I still can't wait untill it will be released...
  24. Versione 90's... However they are both nice and have great 'Italo' feeling. The 'Original' certainly has more power... Nicer tempo... better sythesizer sound and more powerful vocals...
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