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At the beginning you are right. Di Carlo appeared at credits. Also Mondello in Some eXperiments. But later... None of them. Even if they were authors of the songs. Pioggia e Sole in Suono Libero... I don't remember Di Carlo surname in credits, but I remember Mindsjourney in Il Trip Del Vagabondo, even if this track was written and produced entirely by Mr Dendo. Modem by Romanzi? The same story. So yes, Gigi is businessman and he rules copyright from a mogul position.
[09.02.2024] Gin Lemon E.P. (VINYL) (ZYX Reissue)
Desper-D antwortete auf hlennarz's Thema in The Planet Of Gigi D'Agostino
I hope that will be not CD version on vinyl, but original master vinyl versions. -
Neues von Federico Romanzi & Mr Dendo... [Spaghetti Trip]
Desper-D antwortete auf DonHergeFan's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
I would like to see all previous releases from FF Label on BandCamp, because most of them are not available to purchase, but only for streaming, because a lot of shops now are only streaming platforms (eg.: Tidal, iTunes -> Apple Music, Google Play Music -> YouTube Music). -
Neues von Federico Romanzi & Mr Dendo... [Spaghetti Trip]
Desper-D antwortete auf DonHergeFan's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
https://federicoromanzi.bandcamp.com/track/blinding-nani -
DJ STEFAN EGGER Afro Meeting No 28/2023 https://zyx.de/produkt/dj-stefan-egger-afro-meeting-no-28-2023/
This one is better than previous parts, but still not spectacular.
This one reminds me "Tanzeria" Amore Cosmico Stefano Di Carlo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVgmPH5BG14
Stefano Di Carlo Remember my https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnDP6LBB35w I guess I heard something similar to this on some Gigi's webmixes.
Rado Negundo - Karu Llaktaman (Lento Violento Edit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke1VcBhhEg0
My secret, but trust me
I will not call it mix series. It's more like collection of trailers or teasers. Camminacaso with Luca, not Tuttodag mixtapes. And it was like... I mean... I can't believe that is the same guy who is part of La Tana Del Suono. Who made many amazing mixes and productions. I know he likes this "chanson folklorista" style. His Tour De Danse taste, but most of those tracks are produced poorly in my opinion. Compare it with Pinbal Cha Cha, how everything is smooth there, all those background ornaments. And it was also made in a french style. I am out of words. Really. More then half of those tracks are really less than mediocore for me
Dj Maxwell - Trust No One (Part 4)
Desper-D antwortete auf Yunsung's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
Now I start to wonder is Entropia Sonora had to be Gigi's and Maxwell's project. -
Does anyone have this episode, with Momento Esperimento #2 recorded? Il Cammino Puntata 26 [Seconda Edizione N°2] (2006-02-21)
Music with Slowstyle vibes
Desper-D antwortete auf Desper-D's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
This track is massive! https://operandum.bandcamp.com/track/jaiss- 17 Antworten
- lentoviolento
- slowstyle
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If he even return to uploading Camminacaso. TuttoDag, The History of Lento Violento, Casadag Radio, GD Lab, Gigi Dag Radio, etc.. All of them are now abondoned.
ZYX became trash label last years.
la compilation che vi piacerebbe.../che non vorreste mai...
Desper-D antwortete auf Phil's Thema in Gigi's Songs
I was thinking about track that was previously called 'Pandolfi Recipe' or something like this. -
la compilation che vi piacerebbe.../che non vorreste mai...
Desper-D antwortete auf Phil's Thema in Gigi's Songs
I decided to create my own list. Just for fun 🙂 CD 1 1 Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours (version from Studio Zeta live set) 2 Orchestra Maldestra - Buzzica ('Full Version from Ieri E Oggi 1') 3 Gigi D'Agostino - Funky Beat 4 Gigi D'Agostino - Demodag 131G or 811G ('Party People') 5 Gigi D'Agostino - Son (Pre-Version from Il Programmino) 6 Egiziano - Clocks (Pre-Version from Il Programmino) 7 Gigi D'Agostino - Demodag 424G or Demodag 968G ('Baby Soul') 8 Gigi D'Agostino - For A Few Dollars More (version form Il Cammino played at the beggining of 2007) 9 Gigi D'Agostino - Nothing Else (version from Il Programmino) 10 Gigi D'Agostino - Silence (from Ascolta i Brani) 11 Gigi D'Agostino - Impressione Di Settembre ('Solo Musica') 12 Gigi D’agostino - Ogni Volta Che Vai Via ('Full Version') 13 Gigi D'Agostino - Ho Fatto Un Sogno ('Solo Musica') 14 Gigi D'Agostino - Magia ('Full Version') 15 Lento Violento - Demodag 955G ('Gigi's Dream [Non Giochiamo]') CD 2 1 Gigi D'Agostino - L'Amour Toujours (version from Yucatan 2000 live set) 2 La Tana Del Suono - Father 3 La Tana Del Suono - Mother 4 Lento Violento - Demodag 891G ('Down To The Vinyl') 5 Lento Violento - Demodag 414G ('It's A Hood Thing') 6 Lento Violento - Passo Felino ('Solo Musica') 7 ??? - ('Snaredrum' from Tribe 8th) 8 ANP - 1000 9 ANP - 1002 10 ANP - 1004 11 Gigi Noisemaker - DISCOnesso 12 ANP - Completamente Perso 13 Lento Violento Man - Cicoria Lessa ('Full Version') 14 Musichismo - Paradigma ('Full Version') 15 Lento Violento - Inedito ('Gigi's Dream') Will you buy this compilation? 😉 -
la compilation che vi piacerebbe.../che non vorreste mai...
Desper-D antwortete auf Phil's Thema in Gigi's Songs
As I remember "Mondo Reale" was announced twice. One of them had containing most popular tracks choosing by members of Casa Dag. Songs, they wanted to be released. Maybe this is the same idea like in this topic. I am not sure. But what I am sure that was: "La Muscia Che Pesta" including "Inkas", "Lento Violento" compilation without altre storie, containing only 30 tracks, La Tana Del Suono vinyl, different version of "Suono Libero", "Laboratorio 2" with old NoiseMaker logo (that what announced by Media Records newsletter, when tracks from Ascolta e Brani appeared on Gigi's website, Underconstruction series should have 4 elements (not trilogy). -
Hi, Does anyone have m2o reloaded episodes from: http://download.m2o.it/reloaded/
Music with Slowstyle vibes
Desper-D antwortete auf Desper-D's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
You wrote about Jarre, and this reminds me this beautiful mondodag-style track Jean-Michel Jarre - "The Heart of Noise (The Origin)"- 17 Antworten
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- slowstyle
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Music with Slowstyle vibes
Desper-D antwortete auf Desper-D's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
Nicolas Bougaïeff - "Bremsstrahlung (Deapmash Remix)"- 17 Antworten
- lentoviolento
- slowstyle
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Music with Slowstyle vibes
Desper-D antwortete auf Desper-D's Thema in Lento Violento, Cosmic & Afro
Egoexpress - "Knarz IV"- 17 Antworten
- lentoviolento
- slowstyle
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