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Alle Inhalte von Marios7

  1. yes you are right, but radio edit is better than nothing!
  2. enjoy it this melodic one! :) https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lento_Violento_Sguardi_Gigi_D_Agostino_Mix?id=Bikomfcpxs2halzpg3dr4jwarua
  3. yes, it doesn't mean ANYTHING about the Psico Dance release...
  4. Gigi wrote on casadag that he's going to release also the other versions! This one released was the first one as he wrote there as well!
  5. https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Lento_Violento_Storiella_Gigi_D_Agostino_Piano_Mix?id=Bh2jpbmwxd3hvhbslrpeeydp6ti
  6. Or ask him the tracklist too then! :)
  7. that's a very very good news... but we still miss the official announcement of release date and tracklist.... so let's fly down with these unofficial rumours ;)
  8. that's good, we want all stuffs... and fuck Psico Dance! :) ... but this one OSSERVO should be released in extended mix! :(
  9. that "probably", said from the boss of the label (if I guess right...) sounds really bad.... I could believe it only when Time Records eventually start to promote the compilation!
  10. I reckon that Luca couldn't speak at all when there's Gigi around his work.... but you could try to contact him obviously!
  11. I completely agree with you, even the official description is not true at all... I think that nobody of this producers have ever collaborated with Gigi in the past. Hoping next chapters will be much more qualitative, hopefully with real Gigi's "pupils" stuff like Mondello, Mr Dendo, Federico Romanzi, Luha Msm, DjDallas & Dido, Luigi Elettrico, DOS, Les Project, Zeta Reticuli etc...
  12. Gigi fanatics fan are really weird, because they've forgetten all the bad things happened around him in the last 10-15 years (release cancelled without saying it, tons of liveset cancelled last second without any notification and other bad stuff with his "collaborators" that we all know moreless...), and treat him like a god... that's completely stupid!
  13. Hardness – Hippy Trippy this one looks like the same that was played by Gigi in Quello che mi piace in 2009... not sure if it's a remake or the original one!
  14. He never answered properly... he never said the format of the release but only that it was "slighly delayed".. probably the only one who could give much information is Mark Imbruglia of Time Records because he's the only that has said March 2018 as month of the release FOR SURE.... i'm pretty sure that if we won't get this compilation out this month it will never come out!
  15. anyone got it perhaps?
  16. waiting for tracklist and previews above all then!
  17. by the way @Bluestar you could ask your friend Mark Imbruglia what is the situation at the moment... because tomorrow is 1st of March = the alleged month of the release "for sure" as he replied to you, and surely a big label as Time Records use to schedule releases at least 1/2 weeks before them go out trought phisical or digial stores! ;)
  18. around Gigi there are many legal fights as usual... as far as I know few years ago pensieri elettronici srl has officially failed apparently due to "bankruptcy", then it's alleged that there is another legal fight around the "lento violento" mark with another producer from DOS... and probably there's other stuff in the same way despite the smiling Gigi's social photos... Bortolotti is a manager of an historic italian music label, I don't think he could act like a child fighting against the biggest italian dance label such as Time Records for a stupid point of non reconsideration of Gigi to make this album with him and his OLD label (last release of Gigi with media rec is from 8 years ago!). Then if there are issue with some tracks rights, they could only change them... because Gigi has hundreds of unreleased songs to replace them... We'll see... but i'm pessimistic because time is passing by without any info anymore like always happened with Mondo Reale and others "releases" in the past....
  19. don't know the "quality" of this release, but at least it will be real!
  20. so right now "they can't do it"? that's ridicoulus...
  21. I quote only this part "As we are heading towards time I am being more and more in doubt if its gonna be released" ... in one week we're in march and still 0 official information... that's not normal unfortunately!
  22. Gigi finally wrote that it's slighty delayed... so the rumors about March can be real, but I still wait official announcement from TIme Records to believe it :/
  23. not long time ago Gigi wrote on his forum that he used to manage around 300 demos per year!!! it's obvious that the quality couldn't be high level for every one, but in my opinion still 80% of what he plays during his liveset rapresent a very good level of dance music ;)
  24. sorry mate, I respect this man and everyone but I don't believe that Psico Dance is coming out untill I see with my eyes the release date AND the cover AND the tracklist written somewhere OFFICIALLY! :)
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