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Alle Inhalte von Bluestar

  1. Gigi posted about Psico Dance on Time Records FB page (with his personal private FB) original post: https://www.facebook.com/timerec/posts/10156244246307771?comment_id=10156249434447771&comment_tracking={"tn"%3A"R6"} =
  2. Whaaat.. new CasaDag logo! :-) Something is in the air?
  3. Youtube search on: "Gigi D’Agostino live zero summer club brano con Intro a violino" Seems like some new Psico Dance-material ;) Also you can hear the intro of the In My Mind remix of Gigi towards the end of the video. Also worth a search: "Gigi D’Agostino live zero summer club non conosco il titolo" :) Its a new version of this track, Gigi already played it on a Festival about 1-1.5 month ago, in a bit different version (with more kid-like vocal, and more psi-trance) (IMO that sounded more powerful than this one, but who knows which is going to be released).
  4. Still one of my favourite from the new vocal lento tracks =)
  5. It just re-appeared on Discoteca Laziale! ^_^ Release date: 06/07/2018 https://www.discotecalaziale.com/scheda-prodotto.aspx?art=8019991790106
  6. One thing is for sure, Gigi was playing it live in 2010. I've saved this sample from GFU(?) if I remember correctly. I don't know if any of you remember where did it came from/who uploaded it under this codename, can't find it now. :-) It just flashed in my mind that I've heard this previously on GFU :D Islamadag.mp3 (2010-06-20)
  7. One more page where Psico Dance just appeared on ^^ Release date: 06.07.2018 https://www.dischivolanti.ch/it/article/music/M31210/ (they write the same release date Amazon did, before they "decided" to bring down the disc from their shop :D - check this post of mine) Btw Gigi would definitely like this cute cow ^_^ :D
  8. Well the 8 month delay should be handled as Gigi said his "to be released in following weeks" sentence too early :-) There were no other sign of release except of that (and that in the first time, Time also communicated what Gigi said). I guess he already regret that sentence quite a lot :-)
  9. By the way, not sure if you remember but "Suono Libero" also appeared in July back in time, according to discogs on 24 Jul 2008. So why would it be a bad choice :)
  10. So what do you think would be the release date? We can rule out 06/29 for sure, its too close and every site brought the release down for now.
  11. La Feltrinelli says 07/29 :-) I asked them why did it disappear (yesterday) from their catalog as well (as they just added it couple of days ago, just to have it removed soon after): Let's wait couple more weeks and we'll find out. I think the first release date would really be 06/29 but maybe Gigi has made some "last-minute" track modifications, or they may be waiting for more proper audition catch-up for the Dynoro & Gigi track, so it could mean more interest in an upcoming Gigi release if they wait one more month. But who knows, these are also just speculations :D
  12. guys, I really appreciate your comments! :-) More tracks may follow it in the future, maybe not in this exact similar style, but I think you'd be able to find the good ol' spirit in them either - at least really hope so
  13. Btw sampled from: Public Enemy - Hazy Shade Of Criminal, 1992
  14. Only if I had one more time to kick the rhythm that keep rippin' down the door So the real criminals get exposed behind the clothes Doors 'n' the suits that make 'n' break the law... This track also deserves a topic! :-)
  15. Well Gigi could block it anytime if he wants I think, even if we have ASIN, but what would be the point of it then to use the hashmark and stuff. Also he is going to play at Altromondo this summer, once again after many-many years… so I hope these are false informations and its coming as expected :)
  16. Yeah.. now its interesting, in the facebook fan group many people are saying that they got the "trusted" information from Mondadori and similar music stores, that the disc won't come out anymore, at least definitely not in the summer. ... and meanwhile, the disc appeared on some more sites (I've checked, it wasn't available on these sites on Friday, so it must have been uploaded today): https://www.lafeltrinelli.it/musica/cd-album/aavv/psico-dance-by-gigi-d/8019991790106 https://www.webster.it/cd_musicali-album-psico-dance-gigi-agostino-time-8019991790106.htm So is it coming or not coming? :D I think it is. As Gigi is still using the #psicodance hashtag, nothing suggest it is cancelled, it wouldn't make sense to me.
  17. I like it a lot that Gigi is using digital releases so much! I never though one day we'd see that much release
  18. I've asked discoteca laziale why do they brought down the Psico Dance release from their catalog, their answer: "abbiamo un evento in corso, il cd di gigi d'agostino al momento non è disponibile per il preordine, l0uscita è il 29 giugno non appena abbiamo notizie le troverai sul nostro sito" What kind of event could it be, that all distributor are holding it at the same time.. :-)
  19. Bluestar - Waiting For... I'm happy to announce that my first single just got released! :-) (hope i'm not too unashamed to open a topic about it here :D) Any opinion/note is very welcomed on the track! Hope you guys enjoy it. Available as well on: Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Bluestar_Waiting_For?id=Bjbf2n4xia45qclo6f5xfw6zmke Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Waiting-Bluestar/dp/B07DJQY1WK/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1DnxIam72JGzn9vKYqq8BP?si=D-J009FVT662PyWKTl9gVw
  20. Head of Time Records also posted some update about the Charts position, it seems not so bad: Also the play count on Spotify is really high, if its correct thats really a nice number:
  21. Updated the first post here, you can find there all the info that we know as of now :-) (maybe we could update the first post of this topic on GFU as well?) https://italodanceportal.com/forum/news/gigi-dagostino-luca-noise-psico-dance
  22. (source) Dear Customer,We are sorry to inform you that the supplier has communicated a new availability date for the following items, consequently the new delivery date is: Gigi D'Agostino & Lu "Psico Dance" expected delivery date: 12 july 2018 - 16 july 2018We are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this delay. although we are committed to offering you the best possible buying experience, sometimes delays can occur independently of our Will. So as it seems now, the release date (most possible): 2018.07.06.
  23. Amazon has modified the release date to 07.06, then brough down the disc from the preorder page, now it cannot be found (just on the UK page, without release date). :D Hoping for a confirmation by Time soon! Anyways, one more page on which you can see its coming soon: https://www.discotecalaziale.com/scheda-prodotto.aspx?art=8019991790106 __________________________________________ (btw some inner-info about the amazon.co.it removement: someone asked TimeRec on FB if its true that the disc arrives on 29, and they were fully wondering where did he get this info from?! -> he showed them the amazon.co.it url, and voila' -> now its removed on amazon.co.it What is all this secrecy for omg - source)
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