Yipee laut Mediarec soll die Vinyl noch Anfang Juni in den Läden sein und danach folgt die CD!!! (gilt aber denk ich nur für Italien) Bis sie dann bei uns in Deutschland bzw. Österreich erscheint denk ich mal wird es Mitte Juni. Ich tippe mal in D VÖ = 21.06.04 Gigi & Molella finally coming! Gigi D'Agostino and Molella, two great pioneers in Italian and International Record Label world, don't pass unnoticed; and if they choose to join together in an emotional "slow dance", the effects will be blowing you away! Spread the news: A new release is born by this cool couple! Short after the success of "Con il Nastro rosa", they are ready to present their latest master-piece: "Soleado". The track is going to be released on the NOISEMAKER label, it will be distributed on vinyl and on cd. "Soleado" contains different interpretations of the original track, and it expresses the various and sound-breaking creativity of this two Top djs. The vinyl, which contains both "SOLEADO gigi d'agostino trip" and "SOLEADO molella mix" will be released at the beginning of June, and soon after the cd will follow. And it will contain also edited radio versions of this "Sunny Music Trip"!!!! Don't wait... start dancing on "Soleado"!!!