LA BATTERIA DELLA MENTE Another limitation of our family’s doctor. After the “anticojonitico” (ref. “Medicina Naturale”) that we periodically took before and after meals in the last two months, our “DOTTOR DAG” pay us his congratulations: “The brain’s battery is fully refilled” this is infact the torment of this new production from Noisemaker. The new creative inspiration “La Batteria Della Mente [The brain’s battery]” it’s a Disco track (a definition that we have start giving to the Noisemaker products), made for dancing, also sends a strong message: we are fully re-filled! For the audience not yet 100% in shape, another prescription: “Terapia Notturna [Nocturne Therapy]”, honorable B-side for the never satisfyed one’s. In every chemist shops, from the 14 of june. Quelle: Mediarec