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Leistungen von james

GFU Küken

GFU Küken (1/10)


Reputation in der Community

  1. dienstag
  2. Faithless - Not Going Home [Nate's Tunes; rel. date: 3.5.2010] 1.Faithless - Not Going Home (Rollo & Sister Bliss Mix) 2.Faithless - Not Going Home (Armin Van Buuren remix) 3.Faithless - Not Going Home (Eric Prydz remix) 4.Faithless - Not Going Home (Hervé's Heat Up The Club Remix)
  3. Thanks!
  4. Ok, English would be better :) I wanna know if Gigi has been telling this sentence WITH the word "veloce" earlier... Because now he use version without "veloce"... And I wasn't sure if there was "with veloce" version of this sentence at all.
  5. Ja ja, ich weiss... aber... das Wort "veloce"... ja oder nein?
  6. A noi non interessa se il mondo corre veloce, noi camminiamo molto lentamente. ...oder... A noi non interessa se il mondo corre, noi camminiamo molto lentamente. ? Danke
  7. Etwas für euch... Ciao James, GiGi.CZ
  8. Does anybody know something about entrance fee? How much...?
  9. james

    Ebay & Co.

    Delete it... if you think that post is not ok... I did it in good intentions...
  10. james

    Ebay & Co.

    Blau und rot LT aus Hungary... http://cgi.ebay.de/Gigi-DAgostino-LAmour-T...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.de/Gigi-DAgostino-LAmour-T...1QQcmdZViewItem
  11. http://www.gigi.cz/clanky/11-5-2008-live-at-max-brixen.htm Ciao!
  12. Eh... Leibnitz... Ich war im Badeplatz da ein paar Mal... einfach super Ci vediamo a Vienna
  13. Photos at GiGi.cz are on-line finally. Enjoy
  14. Nice photos...
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