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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 06.09.2024 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Verstehe zwar nichts aber Elena klingt sehr aufgebracht bei der Vinyl-Vorstellung: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugZHxau5QtE
    2 Punkte
  2. DISCO TANZ VOL. 1 - MANY WAYS FOR DEEJAY S... (CD) Pre sale (20.09.2024) | ZYX 54043-2 | 0194111033429 DISCO TANZ VOL. 2 - MANY WAYS FOR DEEJAY S... (CD) Pre sale (10.01.2025) | ZYX 54044-2 | 0194111033436 DISCO TANZ - MANY WAYS FOR DEEJAY S... (2CD) Pre sale (04.10.2024) | ZYX 83151-2 | 0194111033344 The tracklist for the vol. 2 does list all 15 tracks, including the both versions of Movimento quotidiano. That may be a difference from the double CD release, also a quarter a year delay from the two other versions can mean they may have it pressed it elsewhere.
    1 Punkt
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