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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 24.07.2024 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. The original CD2 is 1:19:46! Let's see wich track they will grant the special "ZYX Edit" treatment this time... #TheFinalCountdown Of course they could easily move "Movimento Quotidiano (F.M.)" to CD1, because that CD is only 1:15:45 and would end up at 1:19:02 this way... ...but this is ZYX we are talking about. I wonder if this some "publishing rights extension" scheme they are pulling. It's weird they are NOW issuing these kinda obscure re-releases. And Gigi did mention a few years back he was trying to regain control over his back-catalog... that could also explain some of the weird name changes. (Luce -> Starlight, Lo Sbaglio -> Mistake, Malinconia -> Madness)
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